So this morning I was out with the kids waiting for the bell to ring for them to go inside (I do this every morning, we have interesting conversations) I always try to encourage the children to wear proper outerwear... so I say to one of them that she should consider wearing a coat. She says that she did. I argue that her lightweight half sweatshirt doesn't count as a coat. She says it's warm enough. I say something to the effect of: I was so chilly this morning that I considered wearing 4 or 5 shirts. Someone else says that I should have considered 17. (this is how my students talk to me, disrespectful, sarcastic little things) I let the conversation go. I drink my coffee. Then Evan (not directly in the previous conversation) says to me "You look like you ate too much food last Thanksgiving and you never got rid of it all" I turn to him, shocked. You can push too far, I am all for banter, but I have my limits... At the start of his statement the door opened and Tamie (the principal) happened to walk outside. Both of us are staring at him in shock. Evidently he had said "You'd..." and no one heard the 'd on the end and was referring to the 17 shirt wearing me, not me in general, the boy could get into some trouble if he doesn't learn to enunciate clearly...
Then, this afternoon, one of my sped kiddos, after telling me he really wants to be in choir to do "rerformances" (I said no, at least not until he can avoid throwing things about the room when he gets a little upset) He did ask very sweetly, I felt a little bad saying no. Then he slips his arm around my waist, lays his head on my shoulder and says, "Miss Olson, I like this shirt because I can see your skeleton when you wear it." Evidently, by skeleton, he meant my collar bones.
So today, I have been told that I look like I am still stuffed from last year's thanksgiving dinner and that I am skeletal. Hopefully, in truth, I am somewhere in between.
I am determined to finish some things that have been sitting around for years. Mainly because there is no way I can justify STARTING things I would like to, because if I am not going to finish them, I might as well not start them... right... So, to that end, I am going to attempt to keep myself a bit accountable about my mission by starting posting about my accomplishments... Hopefully they will soon be many.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
full moon?
The last couple days have been crazy. Can we blame the full moon? I had to write up two boys yesterday afternoon. One I could see visibly trying to pull his words back into his mouth. Unfortunately it didn't work, and I don't tolerate kids mouths when they say things like "damn you" to me. One of my choir students punched a 2nd grader in the face. I try to teach him to hit a drum instead, the conga doesn't turn black and blue, but it hasn't worked yet. He is one who was drafted into choir due to his great recess punching skill... The police were at the school for two hours yesterday. No one knows why. They called for back up as the buses showed up. I also had to move classes around so I can have a 3rd grade AND a 4th grade choir because I may be amazing (and humble) but the sheer noise of 85 kids holding papers and trying to read (and still many of them being at that mumbling under the breath reading phase) it's just too loud, and they are all on task, and James isn't punching anyone, and Dominic took his meds, and Mikey is not rolling on the floor... so I made two choirs so I have half the kids in each.
and we found out that my little friend Jacob is coming back. Do you remember my little friend Jacob???? the ODD one? The teacher that gets him is almost ready to start drinking and he hasn't had his first day yet. I, of course, with my great skill do not rise above playing his ODD game, I just make sure to win it... I can be passive aggressive with the best of him "I am going to set this tambourine on the floor here, and i hope no one would touch it... it they do, they better not play a steady beat with this song" (within moments we have a lovely tamborine beat from Jacob...
And tonight is McTeacher's night, so I get to go serve my students some quality food at MickeyD's. Fun, Fun.
and we found out that my little friend Jacob is coming back. Do you remember my little friend Jacob???? the ODD one? The teacher that gets him is almost ready to start drinking and he hasn't had his first day yet. I, of course, with my great skill do not rise above playing his ODD game, I just make sure to win it... I can be passive aggressive with the best of him "I am going to set this tambourine on the floor here, and i hope no one would touch it... it they do, they better not play a steady beat with this song" (within moments we have a lovely tamborine beat from Jacob...
And tonight is McTeacher's night, so I get to go serve my students some quality food at MickeyD's. Fun, Fun.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
babies and a camera

two, no, three great achievements of the day. 1) I bought a digital camera (finally--and got a good deal with a big rebate plus a teacher discount at office depot) 2) I took pictures of all my tiny little quilt blocks and loaded them onto flickr (click here to see them in all their insanity) 3)I went to home depot and successfully purchased a stick to hang the quilt mom made me... I felt proud of myself for my hardware mastery...
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Beatboxing flute inspector gadget remix
Someone showed this today in our class. I thought it was amazing.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I worked on cleaning out my closet at school yesterday. I found a box with 3 washcloths and a single sock in it. Really, who boxes up 3 washcloths and a sock? I gave the washcloths to the sped program, they need to wash things. I was going to throw the sock away, but the sped teacher gave it to his para as a gift. she in turn is going to turn it into a bald headed sped teacher sock voodoo doll and return it as a gift. fair trade. I also found random goodwill quality sweatshirts and leggings, I gave them to the health clerk for kids who need changes of clothes. And 20 year old stuffing that had half melted. I am being fairly merciless in the closet... which means I will have room in there to move and get to stuff (maybe?) Jens should see the organization that is going on. He would be proud.
I am also coming up with all of these projects for kids to do, and making a list on the board and letting them earn the privilege of working for me during their recess. It makes me laugh to see kids fighting over each other to do my grunt work... and I tell them that if I hear them or the class I am teaching notices them, they will be forced to go to recess, so they all work quietly... it is wonderful :)
I am also coming up with all of these projects for kids to do, and making a list on the board and letting them earn the privilege of working for me during their recess. It makes me laugh to see kids fighting over each other to do my grunt work... and I tell them that if I hear them or the class I am teaching notices them, they will be forced to go to recess, so they all work quietly... it is wonderful :)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
circus a success
It went well, there were a couple of little glitches and unexpected or planned rounds, but in all--great. they were adorable and that's all that matters... right?
My favorite moments:
The clown noses popping off randomly when they sang their song, and seeing them chase around the stage to put their nose back on, couldn't have planned something more perfectly clown-y.
One of my dogs (who were ALL remarkably dog-like) actually sitting like a dog and reaching her foot up and scratching her ear.
My favorite moments:
The clown noses popping off randomly when they sang their song, and seeing them chase around the stage to put their nose back on, couldn't have planned something more perfectly clown-y.
One of my dogs (who were ALL remarkably dog-like) actually sitting like a dog and reaching her foot up and scratching her ear.
today might just be crazy

so yesterday was crazy, I can just assume today will be too...
For the slide show I have been working on all week for the awards assemblies, The computer wouldn't work. Well, would work, wouldn't communicate with the network or the projector. and didn't have cables long enough to make it do that from where we needed it to be to project... so, watching a slide show on my little computer is now part of music this week.
I taught in a room with curtains hung and risers up in a little corner all day, today will be worse. I have two rehearsals, as well, before the concert tonight.
Yesterday moms showed up and spent two hours after school with crazy children running around my room decorating. I was delegated to color these blown up, traced with the help of an overhead by one of the moms clip art circus scenes with about 8 little helpers. We did a fairly good job. Then I cut around them to hang them up. Keaton (one of my little kinder friends) told me I am "a real good cutter" that is a high compliment from a kindergartner.
I don't know what to expect today, but I am sticking 80 kindergarteners on the stage in cute little ears and tails. WHatever happens, the end result will be cute.
And as I just noticed, looking at the little clip art thing I added, I colored the pig brown because I thought it was a bear... I thought it was a bear with a shirt and leggings and a tutu, and then the hooves were the paws sticking out. I was wondering why they were square-ish. hmm... maybe I need to do some more practicing coloring with my kinder buddies. though they didn't correct me, maybe I need some 1st grade coloring buddies to help me out.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
So, I just finished my circus costumes. Today I set up the risers, taught around them, labeled each little kindergarten spot with their name where they stand, and finished the last of the costumes. I made a lot. 86. 86 costumes, ok, most of them were just ears and tails, but still... thats A LOT of ears and tails and manes and hats... So now Alissa and I are going to go on a no more circus sweat shop victory dinner. Now if we just get the stage set and decorated tomorrow, and somehow the kiddos remember what they are doing on thursday night, and at least smile :) so they are cute :) but I only have 5 1/2 days, 2 awards assemblies, 1 program, 3 major slide shows, 90 dvds to make for the 6th graders (what was I thinking?) and about 45 (depending on who actually shows up) classes left to teach, and 5 days of boring classes to sit in before I get to start my summer break.
morning thoughts
I'm lazy. And a procrastinator. I am no closer to having my circus costumes done today than I was yesterday. But a mom told me she knew where to buy clown noses and was going there after school to buy 15 of them. That's nice--yeah for moms.
I also had 15 voice mails on my phone when I checked it before I left. I didn't listen to any of them, because I was already late in leaving and didn't even want to know cause I wasn't going to deal with them anyway... Oh, to know that's what I have waiting for me when I get to work...
And it is sad to say, but I have not ridden my bike since the 30 miles almost two weeks ago. I did learn how to change a tube and it is pumped up and in the garage. I really need to ride it or I will die on August 4th. If you can die from trying to ride up a mountain while being totally unprepared? I also created a (rather lame) page for the courage. I need a good biking picture to put on there, but until then, it will have to do. If you want to check it out:
I am reading this really good book right now (when do I have time to read, you ask, I don't, except when I am awake from 1-4 in the middle of the night and can't sleep, or avoiding finishing circus costumes) It's called "Blue Like Jazz" The title doesn't make any sense to me. But it is a good book. The guy is very irreverent and hilarious in how he says stuff, but very honest and non-christian about his faith and christianity. I read this other book last year called "Girl Meets God" that was very much the same way, only the girl grew up vaguely jewish-baptist and confused, converted to full-on orthodox judiasm, and then from there became a christian and is now a christian author and part of an episcopal church. (she says some very interesting things about liturgy and jewish customs) My problem is the entire time I am reading the blue jazz book, I am thinking, this boy needs to get together with the girl from the other book. They are perfect for each other :) Ok, maybe not, but it is what I think.
I also had 15 voice mails on my phone when I checked it before I left. I didn't listen to any of them, because I was already late in leaving and didn't even want to know cause I wasn't going to deal with them anyway... Oh, to know that's what I have waiting for me when I get to work...
And it is sad to say, but I have not ridden my bike since the 30 miles almost two weeks ago. I did learn how to change a tube and it is pumped up and in the garage. I really need to ride it or I will die on August 4th. If you can die from trying to ride up a mountain while being totally unprepared? I also created a (rather lame) page for the courage. I need a good biking picture to put on there, but until then, it will have to do. If you want to check it out:
I am reading this really good book right now (when do I have time to read, you ask, I don't, except when I am awake from 1-4 in the middle of the night and can't sleep, or avoiding finishing circus costumes) It's called "Blue Like Jazz" The title doesn't make any sense to me. But it is a good book. The guy is very irreverent and hilarious in how he says stuff, but very honest and non-christian about his faith and christianity. I read this other book last year called "Girl Meets God" that was very much the same way, only the girl grew up vaguely jewish-baptist and confused, converted to full-on orthodox judiasm, and then from there became a christian and is now a christian author and part of an episcopal church. (she says some very interesting things about liturgy and jewish customs) My problem is the entire time I am reading the blue jazz book, I am thinking, this boy needs to get together with the girl from the other book. They are perfect for each other :) Ok, maybe not, but it is what I think.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
sweat shop update
Update on the circus costume sweatshop:
Today Alissa and I finished 19 Monkey tails, 7 elephant trunks, 15 pony tails, and 15 clown hats. all that is left is the pony manes and hopefully the one mom brings back the elephant ears.
Anyone have any idea where one could purchase clown noses?
Today Alissa and I finished 19 Monkey tails, 7 elephant trunks, 15 pony tails, and 15 clown hats. all that is left is the pony manes and hopefully the one mom brings back the elephant ears.
Anyone have any idea where one could purchase clown noses?
Friday, June 8, 2007
7 1/2 days left... plus 5 if you count the days I have to be in class...
Megan, Lindsay, and I went to dinner and Ocean's 13 tonight after work. We went to the Olive Garden. Megan made the mistake of turning around and asking the guy behind her what he had ordered (it looked/smelled good) this opened up the door to him hitting on us for the next hour or so. As his son who was at dinner with him (and spent the hour rolling his eyes at his dad) was older than any of us... none of us picked up the bait. Interesting character. Then we saw Ocean's 13. It was good. Surprising, a sequel to a sequel is actually good. And funny. And not dirty/gross/tasteless humor. Funny/clean/smart/witty humor. I enjoyed it. Then we went to Lindsay's house for some dessert, (who can turn down chocolate) and I drove Megan home--after a 3 days at 6th grade camp, she was not in a position to drive... and now I am going to crash! Hopefully I can sleep in, I've slept through my alarm the last 3 mornings...
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
circus sweat shop
Last night in the sweatshop here at my house, alissa finished all of the bear ears for the kindergarten sweatshop. I cut out 15 clown hats. Sewed one. Alissa, it looks like kept sewing through the night (or at least into, she is switching to night shift today, so must have been trying to stay up) It also looks like she may have been stuffing some monkey tails. finish the hats, finishing stuffing the tails, make some little elephant trunks, and then it is just putting the outfits together... exciting news, I know, I know...
Also cleaned the house last night, and bought a rug for by the garage door so hopefully we don't have to scrub the carpet there so much.
And Alissa made rhubarb crisp last night. Still not done with the rhubarb mom brought us, a pan of rhubarb delight and rhubarb crisp later, and i did 1 1/2 times the rhubarb in the delight, couldn't convince alissa to add to the crisp recipe. Crisps evidently are an exact science, I didn't know this, I never measure OR bother with a recipe when I make them, and I have never gotten a complaint...
Also cleaned the house last night, and bought a rug for by the garage door so hopefully we don't have to scrub the carpet there so much.
And Alissa made rhubarb crisp last night. Still not done with the rhubarb mom brought us, a pan of rhubarb delight and rhubarb crisp later, and i did 1 1/2 times the rhubarb in the delight, couldn't convince alissa to add to the crisp recipe. Crisps evidently are an exact science, I didn't know this, I never measure OR bother with a recipe when I make them, and I have never gotten a complaint...
Monday, June 4, 2007
I took my bike on a ferry boat ride

The bike enjoyed it's first ferry ride. Alissa and I decided to ride around Vashon Island yesterday. Thought it would be a great afternoon. We stopped at the bike store, at rei, at top foods and then missed the boat by 2 minutes, so we waited and ate our lunch. We got on the ferry, met a man who told us which direction to take and such. The little bike enjoyed it's ride. we got off the ferry, tried to pump tires a bit. mine wouldn't hold any air, in fact it all went out. I was frustrated. A man came by, he wanted to help. We didn't have any tools. Neither did he. We realized that the valve stem got half torn off my tube. No wonder it won't hold air. We didn't have a tube. So we walked back down to the dock and waited for the next ferry. on the way home we talked to the attempted helper, John and another biker. Most things, according to them were "kick a--" including the hills on the island which they didn't think we could make, and the courage, which they didn't think we would finish. John actually has a bike he rigged as a 7th grader with a motor to help that he rides when on the island, I think that may be a wee bit crazy, but I think Vashon, if we get farther than the ferry dock would be good for training. It at least has some hills. Technically, in the summer if we got adventurous, we could make a whole day trip and do vashon to southworth and come to Olalla, or something crazy like that... We got back to the car, stopped at gart sports and freddies to get tubes and tools so now I can attempt to change a tube... fun, fun... we'll see if I can do it, or if I am taking it to the bike boys for help... but not today, today I have 650 (x2) grades to do before tomorrow. Oops, shoulda started that before today... oh, well, it'll be fun...
Friday, June 1, 2007
movie not to see...
unless you want to be offended (and believe me, it will get you somehow...) don't go see "Knocked Up" Alissa and I thought it looked funny. No. It wasn't. I don't know if it was the language, or nudity, or almost-porn quality, or the raunchy humor, or the drugs, or the jewish jokes, or the ever so close up shots of a baby's head crowning on a big screen, or any of the number of other reasons to avoid it. On top of it all, it wasn't THAT funny. Don't put yourself through it.

Last night I went to rei between work and the district band festival. I started looking at bike shorts. I found ones that have an outer, non-skin-tight short, in addition to the butt padding. while I was looking at them, I saw a camel back thing (regular $55) reduced to $19.98-worth getting the rei one, not the costco one for the same price... then trying on the shorts, I saw the cutest pink chacos... I went down, paid for it all and it seemed like way to much on the total, I let it go because there was a line and then stepped off to the side to look at the receipt. Turns out the camel back wasn't on sale. But being that it was rei and i found it on that rack, and there was another one on it too, they honored the price and I got a deal. $19.98 for a $55 backpack thing. too bad the chacos weren't on sale. but they work for work (I think) and work out--a good deal.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Helping you avoid crap
Mistress of Spices: Don't bother. a Blockbuster exclusive... not worth your time, unless you are under the impression that spices talk to you, then by all means, go ahead, you'll fit right in. If you watched this and "Bee Season" in the same sitting, you could actually think you were insane, not only is spelling a gift of the gods, but the spices chat with you...
Secret Life of Words: Confusing. A little depressing. Definitely fits in the "film" category, rather than the "flick" category that I am more drawn to. I think it would have been really sad and touching if you ever really understood what was going on and who they were talking about.
Catch and Release: Cute. Funny. Cheesy. Predictable. Just what I like in a movie...
Stomp the Yard: I think the camera crew all shot this movie while on pogo sticks. That is the only logical explanation for all the bouncing around.
I do my part to help the world avoid bad movies. I watch my fare share, so I figure, I can help you all avoid them. Sometimes we find a great one in all of the garbage... Like Danny Deckchair. A random movie pick that turned out to be absolutely hilarious. Best to be enjoyed in a big group in the middle of the night, but absolutely excellent. Any movie about a joker flying over Australia in a deck chair with balloons attached...
Secret Life of Words: Confusing. A little depressing. Definitely fits in the "film" category, rather than the "flick" category that I am more drawn to. I think it would have been really sad and touching if you ever really understood what was going on and who they were talking about.
Catch and Release: Cute. Funny. Cheesy. Predictable. Just what I like in a movie...
Stomp the Yard: I think the camera crew all shot this movie while on pogo sticks. That is the only logical explanation for all the bouncing around.
I do my part to help the world avoid bad movies. I watch my fare share, so I figure, I can help you all avoid them. Sometimes we find a great one in all of the garbage... Like Danny Deckchair. A random movie pick that turned out to be absolutely hilarious. Best to be enjoyed in a big group in the middle of the night, but absolutely excellent. Any movie about a joker flying over Australia in a deck chair with balloons attached...
So just when I think we might have taken a baby step forward with Katherine, today while Alissa was sleeping, Katherine managed to down a 1/2 gallon of ice cream and wash Alissa's brand-new $35 stoneware cookie sheet from pampered chef with soap, the one thing you are never supposed to do with it, unless you want soap flavored cookies. Why? If you feel the need to clean--your bathroom could use help....
I also finished 4 sets of floppy dog ears and 19 pairs of monkey ears (with alissa's help... the leave the mess laying around trick works)
I also finished 4 sets of floppy dog ears and 19 pairs of monkey ears (with alissa's help... the leave the mess laying around trick works)
sleeping advice

Alarms are your friend. Even if they are evil. I should always set one even if I don't need to... Sunday night I didn't, went to bed at 11, woke up at 10. Last night I went to bed thinking I needed to get to sleep early (by 11) so I could wake up to my alarm. Instead I woke up at 3. It is going to hurt by this afternoon. So much for a bike ride, I see a nap in my future. With an alarm set, or we'll have a repeat... The sad thing is, as I sit here drinking my morning coffee, I am fairly certain that if I tried now, I could go to sleep, and probably not wake up until afternoon...
Monday, May 28, 2007
So... With the rest of my energy today (I know it is exciting, I cut out 8 more elephant head bands, designed and cut out 19 monkey ear headbands and tails, cut out 2 sets of bear ears with the rest of my brown fleece (need to get some more, and went to walmart for some velcro and fiberfil because joann's closed at 6. I also made dinner, washed dishes, and did a load of laundry. Now, I could start sewing my stacks of ears and tails, but it will have to wait for some more energy to come my way. And, as you can imagine, my living room is a pit and there are piles of fabric everywhere, hopefully this will be enticement for alissa to help sew... if she sews, it leaves quicker. unfortunately, Katherine is the one the mess bothers, and even if she decided to do something that wasn't completely self-absorbed, I wouldn't want her help... Oh, and the latest Katherine update is: she is still crazy, but we managed to get her to turn on the computer she got for christmas and she has given up binging on ice cream, because she had to replace Alissa's and it had gone off sale and was $6.99--eating ice cream by the half gallon gets pricey. And to help her with the book bet that she is loosing miserably at (she gets an ice cream cone from Alissa if she reads three books in a series straight through from start to finish) I gave her a book mark... Doubt it will help, but worth a try, she was grateful and almost in tears when I gave it to her. (seriously, did you ever think of using a piece of paper?) but if it helps...
so far
For a day off, it hasn't been... so far I have finished 4 lion manes, cut out 4 puppy ear headbands, designed an elephant ear headband, attempted a trunk, and taken an 18 mile ride on my bike, I wasn't going to, but then it started to be sunny. It is almost four and sunny which means I can't take a shower till alissa wakes up (her hardest time sleeping) so I will eat first and then when she gets up (should in about an hour, she has to work early tonight) shower and continue on my costuming. hopefully, I could at least get everything cut out today? possibly more, but I do know that I will need some kind of stuffing for my elephant trunks, and am almost out of white thread, and don't have enough velcro, so I will probably wind up with yet another trip to joann's in my future. maybe tonight, maybe later...
Sunday, May 27, 2007
big day
I rode 23 miles today. In one sitting. In the cold and wind that seemed to be pushing against me no matter which direction I turned. And especially on hills. Right around our house is nice and easy and flat-ish. Then it gets hilly. I rode from my house south almost to graham, and then rode back, almost to river road. then home. there were lots of hills. on one I had to break out the lowest gear on my bike, it seemed straight up... And on one my chain popped off... and I put it back on all by myself--see I'm quite competent and mechanical :) Now I think I could eat the entire contents of the fridge... but as I have self control, I won't... I will make myself lunch, however...
Friday, May 25, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
May is fun... kids are crazy, I have mass amounts of work to do to finish out the year, and for the first time ever I also have to think about starting up stuff for NEXT year as well... I spent several hours last night working on work for school... It has been crazy. I finally am starting to venture into my giant closet of who knows what... I keep finding interesting things...
Saturday, May 19, 2007
day of note
This is a very big day. I mean big. My mother left a note for me on the fridge. (no that isn't big) but that she misspelled the word morning--now that is huge. :)
There isn't a whole lot else going on other than I am busy (it's May--Talk to me July 1 if you want me relaxed) kids are becoming quite the little hellions as summer draws near and I am tired even though I actually slept in till 9:00 today.
There isn't a whole lot else going on other than I am busy (it's May--Talk to me July 1 if you want me relaxed) kids are becoming quite the little hellions as summer draws near and I am tired even though I actually slept in till 9:00 today.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
20 miles is not that much more than 15...
Alissa and I rode 20 miles last night. It probably would have only been around 16, but we hit the river 8 miles into the trail, and it was so pretty we didn't want to turn around. When we finally got back to the car (racing against the sunset) Alissa's legs were sore, my back/sholders were sore (reminder get another decent sport's bra), and both of our butts were in a bit of pain. We got dinner (biking makes one so very hungry...) came home, and crashed. Well, Alissa just laid on the couch, she is on a night schedule... I crashed.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Being the awesome teacher I am, I came up with the brilliant idea no my way home to make costumes for my kids for the kindergarten circus. I have till June 14. So I went to Joann's and bought some fleece. I made a prototype of a lion's mane--think those fringey scarves in gold and rust, with two little ears popping out, tied around a little head, under the chin... and a tail to match (I would take a picture, but it really quite looses the effect on my big adult head) then I made dog ears out of black/white polka dot furry fleece. they are two floppy ears and attatched to a head band that velcros around the head. Then I made a pony tail, and mane and ears on a headband. And finished up with bear ears on a headband. Now I just need to do the monkey ears and tail, and something for my little clowns and ring masters.... Why do I get myself into these things? but now that I have a prototype/pattern... should go quickly, and I can probably convince alissa to help...
Also today the check engine light came on on my car, so... irrrgh... I had to take it in for an oil change anyway, but annoying, at least I have a good warranty... so, I get to take it in Thursday afternoon. So I guess I will take a half day on Thursday...
Also today the check engine light came on on my car, so... irrrgh... I had to take it in for an oil change anyway, but annoying, at least I have a good warranty... so, I get to take it in Thursday afternoon. So I guess I will take a half day on Thursday...
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Thought of the day: 15 miles is a lot longer than ten. Or at least that is what my legs think.
Depressing realization of the day: I may only get to ride the first two days of the Courage... My school one this huge arts grant and I don't know that I can get out of the training.
Movie reviews of the week:
The Queen: interesting, but requires attention and thought that I rarely give to movies.
Because I Said So: Mother's Day inspiration--Thank you, Mom, for not being THAT interfering...
Dreamgirls: a little depressing
10 Items or Less: don't know, turned it off after 10 minutes, two guys driving in a van being depressing and swearing at each other.
(we had a little marathon at our house last night, ok, everything but Dreamgirls which we watched last weekend.)
Now we have Catch and Release and Music and Lyrics waiting for us. I quite enjoy my Blockbuster membership...
Depressing realization of the day: I may only get to ride the first two days of the Courage... My school one this huge arts grant and I don't know that I can get out of the training.
Movie reviews of the week:
The Queen: interesting, but requires attention and thought that I rarely give to movies.
Because I Said So: Mother's Day inspiration--Thank you, Mom, for not being THAT interfering...
Dreamgirls: a little depressing
10 Items or Less: don't know, turned it off after 10 minutes, two guys driving in a van being depressing and swearing at each other.
(we had a little marathon at our house last night, ok, everything but Dreamgirls which we watched last weekend.)
Now we have Catch and Release and Music and Lyrics waiting for us. I quite enjoy my Blockbuster membership...
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I had my choir concert today. Numbers have dwindled (thanks, sunshine...) We had 13 at the concert this afternoon. 6 showed up in the evening. 6. A little sad when next to the 75 piece 6th grade band... I am tired! But my boss gave me a bottle of wine...
Monday, May 7, 2007
baby steps...

It seems that if you do something persistantly you do make progress... without even trying you start to notice it.
I rode 10 miles today. 10 miles in 49 minutes. 10 miles in 49 minutes with 5 or 6 fairly major stop lights to sit and wait for.
Also notable is that I am now able to venture into the realm of the higher gears. More work, more speed, less pedaling, fun times. I was comfortably riding 12-16 mph most of the ride.
Annoying is that my thighs seem to be growing by leaps and bounds and I seem to be gaining weight. Not necessarily size anywhere other than the thighs, but weight... Oh well, muscle is heaver. Last summer I grew biceps from picking up the toddlers, this summer it will be thighs...
Alissa and I are gaining an entourage for the Courage. Rebecca says she will ride it, Brita is trying to convince my parents it is a good idea and work out a way to get over here. I think Michelle may still be pondering it, and Adam I think would do it if Gabbie was interested and he wasn't getting married sometime soon.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
tired after quite the weekend
Today, I went to church. I put out a few fires and mediated between a couple of people, went to church, saw Sarah's ring for the first time since they were engaged, ran around like crazy trying to set up for a wedding, but hey, I got a hundred bucks out of it. Then Gabbie and Adam came over for dinner. I ate before their dinner was ready because I hadn't had lunch. And then I munched while they were eating. They took their dog home, so Alissa and my temporary stint as pet owners (3 days) is over. No more puppy. I will miss him a little, but yet, have no desire to have one of my own. Now I have got to think about next week and school again. Oh, and yes, I think I am going to do the crazy and ride the Courage. I am up to 12 miles in a ride now, on flat. I only have to turn the 12 into 60 in a day and I will be ready.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
cinco de mayo
I am such a party animal... :)
Last night (I guess you can call it Cinco de Mayo eve?) I took a nap, had mac & cheese for dinner, finished cutting the squares for all of sarah's quilt, ironed what Alissa has sewn so far (have I mentioned how much better we are doing in the sewing straight arena) and then went to a late showing of Lucky You. Interesting movie, wait till it comes out on dvd... lots of poker... but we wanted to see a movie and it was that or waiting in line for spider man, and really, is spider man that big of a deal?
Today, I had the privelage of spending the morning with Jack, the whiny chihuahua, while Alissa slept in, then we biked 12 miles, figured out how to take tires on and off the bikes to fit them in her mom's rodeo and now are going for an early cinco de mayo treat at chevy's
Last night (I guess you can call it Cinco de Mayo eve?) I took a nap, had mac & cheese for dinner, finished cutting the squares for all of sarah's quilt, ironed what Alissa has sewn so far (have I mentioned how much better we are doing in the sewing straight arena) and then went to a late showing of Lucky You. Interesting movie, wait till it comes out on dvd... lots of poker... but we wanted to see a movie and it was that or waiting in line for spider man, and really, is spider man that big of a deal?
Today, I had the privelage of spending the morning with Jack, the whiny chihuahua, while Alissa slept in, then we biked 12 miles, figured out how to take tires on and off the bikes to fit them in her mom's rodeo and now are going for an early cinco de mayo treat at chevy's
Thursday, May 3, 2007
disipline sucks when the "teacher eyes" don't work
So I have this student. He hasn't done anything in my class all year. Today he starts trying. He actually did something! What prompted his miraculous turn around in effort, participation, and attitude? Medication? Possibly. The conversation I had with him last week about being stuck with me for another year until he gets to jr high, and we both were going to have no fun if his behavior continued? I doubt I am that motivating, so I don't know. Currently my most likely idea is that his body was swapped by aliens...
Unfortunately, that success was marred by the fact I had to tell a group of three fourth graders that if they didn't shape up, I would make them sit in a room with their heads down during my class, and to learn music because I wasn't letting them off the hook, they could spend their recess attending 2nd grade music classes. I have a feeling I am going to have to follow through on my threat before they believe I am serious.
The third grade highlight of the day came when I realized a truely "charming" boy (in this usage "charming" means "likes beating on anything that moves, especially other students, but worms and other small animals he happens upon work too") has not acted up in my class since before spring break (I write down their behavior each day) I watched today. He was out of control in the hall on the way to my room, he entered the door, he was the textbook perfect student for thirty minutes (hands folded in lap, eyes on me, feet criss cross, voice off, I couldn't even fault his stinking posture), then we lined up to leave for the day and he started hitting people so he got the "honor" of walking with me to his bus. This puzzles me.
I also won the respect of one of my most shut-down pre-teen-y attitude-filled 6th graders today. How you ask? I lifted his backpack over my head. He didn't think I could lift it off the ground. I am amazing. Do what it takes, right?
Unfortunately, that success was marred by the fact I had to tell a group of three fourth graders that if they didn't shape up, I would make them sit in a room with their heads down during my class, and to learn music because I wasn't letting them off the hook, they could spend their recess attending 2nd grade music classes. I have a feeling I am going to have to follow through on my threat before they believe I am serious.
The third grade highlight of the day came when I realized a truely "charming" boy (in this usage "charming" means "likes beating on anything that moves, especially other students, but worms and other small animals he happens upon work too") has not acted up in my class since before spring break (I write down their behavior each day) I watched today. He was out of control in the hall on the way to my room, he entered the door, he was the textbook perfect student for thirty minutes (hands folded in lap, eyes on me, feet criss cross, voice off, I couldn't even fault his stinking posture), then we lined up to leave for the day and he started hitting people so he got the "honor" of walking with me to his bus. This puzzles me.
I also won the respect of one of my most shut-down pre-teen-y attitude-filled 6th graders today. How you ask? I lifted his backpack over my head. He didn't think I could lift it off the ground. I am amazing. Do what it takes, right?
a start (thanks to the nazi)

So, thanks to Alissa's slave-driving, we got a start on Sarah and Mark's quilt last night. I was perfectly content and laying on the couch, ready to watch some wonderful television and not move or think, but Alissa didn't think that was a good idea. She says it was rainy so we have to sew. I guess that is the new rule. Rainy: we must sew. Sunny: we must bike. She ironed the fabric, I cut. I got all of the parts cut for the chain part, and all of the purple and teal cut for the stars, so all I have left is the background for the stars. After Alissa was done ironing, she got all of the long pieces in the chain put together with a square, so, 80 seams down, way more than that to go. but she has improved SOOOOOO much since Monica's quilt! All I have to say is sew these together like this (and show her what end to put it on) and it happens. reasonably straight and accurately. it is nice.
And this was all after cleaning, grocery shopping and making and eating dinner.
Who wanted to gag when Blake said he would go home for his best friend on American Idol last night? Yeah right, I don't believe it.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
After my nap this evening, I was quite productive... I hemmed 6 pairs of pants, 4 for Gabbie (It was hard for me to stomach cutting between 4 and 6 inches off of pants-wishing I could add them to my own. 3 1/2 inches off of a girls size 16 for an adult), and 2 for her primary at work (they have kids that they do special things for and I think are responsible for purchasing clothes for and stuff, but she is chunky and so needed a size 14-16 (same size as Gabbie) but with 8-10 inches hacked off. Alissa did all of the sewing, i just ironed and cut and replaced needles (beaded applique on one of the little girl pants)
Then I fixed Ashley's duvet cover. her mother-in-law made it from sheets but didn't finish the hole where the stuffing went in, so it was fraying. I used the "forger" to fix it and then alissa sewed it down to make a finished hem (novel concept) I think Ashley may be buying us dinner in exchange for that 10 minutes of work.

We also went to Joann's where we got in some trouble. Only 1, no 2, new scrub tops for Alissa, and they were on sale (not that that justifies it). but our purpose was to get fabric for Sarah and Mark's quilt for their wedding (gotta get on it, it's gotta be done sept 1.) Haven't decided arrangement, but the background is a rich tan basketweave-y thing, the chains is a deep brown floral, and the stars are purples and well, sea-foam. It will be lovely, the colors are deep and rich and Sarah and Mark better love it.

Also have some sort of project coming up for Gabbie. This might be one option, it's called the 5 spot. The 5-spot is also one of Gabbie's favorite places to eat. She wants fabric that "means something" so we might attempt that. we would put "meaningful" fabric in each of the 5 spots and tie it together with some sort of simple, solid-y colors in the rest.
Then I fixed Ashley's duvet cover. her mother-in-law made it from sheets but didn't finish the hole where the stuffing went in, so it was fraying. I used the "forger" to fix it and then alissa sewed it down to make a finished hem (novel concept) I think Ashley may be buying us dinner in exchange for that 10 minutes of work.

We also went to Joann's where we got in some trouble. Only 1, no 2, new scrub tops for Alissa, and they were on sale (not that that justifies it). but our purpose was to get fabric for Sarah and Mark's quilt for their wedding (gotta get on it, it's gotta be done sept 1.) Haven't decided arrangement, but the background is a rich tan basketweave-y thing, the chains is a deep brown floral, and the stars are purples and well, sea-foam. It will be lovely, the colors are deep and rich and Sarah and Mark better love it.

Also have some sort of project coming up for Gabbie. This might be one option, it's called the 5 spot. The 5-spot is also one of Gabbie's favorite places to eat. She wants fabric that "means something" so we might attempt that. we would put "meaningful" fabric in each of the 5 spots and tie it together with some sort of simple, solid-y colors in the rest.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Sunny, nice day today. I went to church, took a nap, ate leftover terryaki and got pushed into loading up the car and going to the Orting trail for a bike ride. We rode for 10 miles and only made it just past the 2nd trail head, so we can definately work our way up to longer rides. I am getting better. 10 miles made my legs slightly wobbly. But I have gotten more and more milage each ride (ok, so my first ride was 2 miles, so it's easy to improve) I could actually maybe do this biking thing...
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Gabbie got engaged today. Finally. I never actually thought it would happen. Ring and everything. I figured they would indefinitely go on living together. But they are engaged. Evidently there is a funny story. I will hear it when Alissa gets home.
I spent most of the day at church today. It was nice. Nothing too eventful. Everyone seemed to be excited to see me. Or thankful that I was no longer stuck in the bathroom puking like I was last week. Everyone also seemed to know that puking was going on last week. I need to talk to Heidi about over-sharing of details. I also made them brownies, so that could add to the excited-to-see-me attitude. They all seemed quite impressed with my brownies. I tried to pass the praise on to my good brownie-making friend, Betty. But they were still impressed. Except a couple people that seemed a little snobbish about the box-brownies. Really. I bake bread, I make pies, I have made my own stinking bagels, brownies are not worth making from scratch because there is no difference. Why make them from scratch when no one could tell and you don't like them better?
I also had teryaki for dinner. It was tasty, and I met the funniest little girl who was waiting for her food. I think the parents were slightly annoyed that I was talking to their child, but who cares? she was cute. Kindergarten. Missing a tooth. Thought I was the funniest person ever when I complained about not having the tooth fairy visit me in a long time. She says that is because all of my teeth are grown ups now. She only has two teeth that are grown ups. She knows two dance moves. Neither works in sandles. Evidently they are very cool moves in her big tap dance shoes. Her name is Rachel.
I spent most of the day at church today. It was nice. Nothing too eventful. Everyone seemed to be excited to see me. Or thankful that I was no longer stuck in the bathroom puking like I was last week. Everyone also seemed to know that puking was going on last week. I need to talk to Heidi about over-sharing of details. I also made them brownies, so that could add to the excited-to-see-me attitude. They all seemed quite impressed with my brownies. I tried to pass the praise on to my good brownie-making friend, Betty. But they were still impressed. Except a couple people that seemed a little snobbish about the box-brownies. Really. I bake bread, I make pies, I have made my own stinking bagels, brownies are not worth making from scratch because there is no difference. Why make them from scratch when no one could tell and you don't like them better?
I also had teryaki for dinner. It was tasty, and I met the funniest little girl who was waiting for her food. I think the parents were slightly annoyed that I was talking to their child, but who cares? she was cute. Kindergarten. Missing a tooth. Thought I was the funniest person ever when I complained about not having the tooth fairy visit me in a long time. She says that is because all of my teeth are grown ups now. She only has two teeth that are grown ups. She knows two dance moves. Neither works in sandles. Evidently they are very cool moves in her big tap dance shoes. Her name is Rachel.
I started reading a book last night. As of now, I haven't determined (I'm only on page 47 and the first 20 pages were located in imaginiary-Circle, MT) whether it is set in fake-Baker or fake-Broadus. Or a combination of the two. Size wise the town is Baker. But if you take the Highway she says you are in Broadus. It is amusing. My favorite part so far was that in a town of 1800 (approximate Baker-size) this guy somehow won the state triple A football championship. There is NO triple A school ANYWHERE in the state of Montana, let alone in a town of 1800 (all but 500 or so of the citizens of the town would have to be in high school, and while it sometimes feels like that in eastern montana where the most important thing is high school football, there are actually adults and younger children too.) I also appreciate that she can see the Mission Mountains in the distance as she is driving EAST from Billings. Which surprises me, as I am fairly certain those were the mountains we drove by heading NORTH from MISSOULA towards Flathead (but I could be slightly off... My geography isn't amazing) I just don't remember seeing a whole lot of mountains in general in my skyline when headed east from Billings. Possibly in the rearview mirror. But not even a whole lot there. Alissa says I should stop reading it because it will drive me nuts. I am having to much amusement though. And it makes me think of all of the other books I have read and how much I am sure I don't notice about details that are off because I didn't live where they were set. Write a book in Florida, I will have no clue that you are discribing in great detail things that aren't actually possible.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Better Day...
It is Friday. Yesterday the only exciting things (or remotely worth mentioning, not notable by any means) that happened were I got a Charlie Horse at 4:00 am that didn't let me go back to sleep or let up until sometime during the night. Yes, I at bananas, I drank much water, I massaged it, I stood on my step and stretched it, I tried walking, I tried elevating, maybe something helped because there is only the lingering "I used to be cramped and painful" feeling left in the muscle.
And I found khaki capris. finally. that is exciting to me. keep me a little cool during the next two months when I cant exactly wear a skirt and teach kindergarteners... but pants are just too warm...
And I stopped by Taco Time on the way home. I got the world's most under qualified to be working fast food employee ever. My order cost me $8.08. I handed him $6 in cash and then 6 quarters, 4 dimes, 3 nickels, and 3 pennies. It took him a full 3 minutes to count what I gave him. He was sure I had just handed him $7.18. I convinced him it was the right amount of money and asked for ketchup and one of the little plastic cups to put it in. He launches in to this spiel that 8 bags of ketchup is the perfect amount to fit in the little dish, and did I want him to open them for me and put them in? He gives me my ketchup (I declined his offer) and stares at me like "why are you still sitting here, leave, I am behind and backed up" I ask for my bag of food. He can't find it. He goes and gets a new bag of food after finding out what I ordered. and checking what it cost, so that I didn't try to rip him off or something. I was at the drive through window for over 15 minutes. Not in the drive through line. At the window. Luckily I was not in a hurry. Or I would have been annoyed, rather than amused.
And today is Friday, which means I have a very full, exhausting day, but when I get home I can crash, and everyone knows I crash Friday nights (exciting young adult that I am) so they don't bug me. and Katherine will be at work, and Alissa may or may not be home depending on what she gets taken care of today in the canceling bills and making arrangements and getting all that stuff taken care of that she needs to. So I could have the house to myself, which could be quite nice. Not that I will do anything at all.
And I found khaki capris. finally. that is exciting to me. keep me a little cool during the next two months when I cant exactly wear a skirt and teach kindergarteners... but pants are just too warm...
And I stopped by Taco Time on the way home. I got the world's most under qualified to be working fast food employee ever. My order cost me $8.08. I handed him $6 in cash and then 6 quarters, 4 dimes, 3 nickels, and 3 pennies. It took him a full 3 minutes to count what I gave him. He was sure I had just handed him $7.18. I convinced him it was the right amount of money and asked for ketchup and one of the little plastic cups to put it in. He launches in to this spiel that 8 bags of ketchup is the perfect amount to fit in the little dish, and did I want him to open them for me and put them in? He gives me my ketchup (I declined his offer) and stares at me like "why are you still sitting here, leave, I am behind and backed up" I ask for my bag of food. He can't find it. He goes and gets a new bag of food after finding out what I ordered. and checking what it cost, so that I didn't try to rip him off or something. I was at the drive through window for over 15 minutes. Not in the drive through line. At the window. Luckily I was not in a hurry. Or I would have been annoyed, rather than amused.
And today is Friday, which means I have a very full, exhausting day, but when I get home I can crash, and everyone knows I crash Friday nights (exciting young adult that I am) so they don't bug me. and Katherine will be at work, and Alissa may or may not be home depending on what she gets taken care of today in the canceling bills and making arrangements and getting all that stuff taken care of that she needs to. So I could have the house to myself, which could be quite nice. Not that I will do anything at all.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Today sucked
I hate when you just have the gut feeling that something bad is happening. I had this uneasiness all day. I was short and grumpy with the kids, and had decided that I was going to go into my bedroom and hide for the evening cause I just didn't want to be around people. I walked in to find all of my plans changed. Alissa's dad passed away today. He just didn't wake up this morning. Another friend found a lump in her breast today. It was just one of those days... there is nothing more you can say.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The joys and challenges of teaching
I love it when I have moments when kids really "get it." I was doing this rhythm piece with hand drums and bongos and clapping and then they all stop and one kid gets to improvise solo on the conga. My one 4th grade class was totally getting it today. (well after I had to switch Donny and Zach to the hardest group--they put themselves in the easiest part... and then tried to whine when I switched them... wrong-o.) they actually had kids to lead each group, and were taking turns on the conga, all did fine, until Donny gets up there and goes to town and does probably a 2 minute conga solo that was pretty amazingly intricate, especially for a 4th grader. the rest of the class has these dumbstruck looks on their faces, and then when it is the next person's turn they totally get the "ok, we've got to step it up..." attitude. SO MUCH FUN. so we started some more drum circle stuff with them, cause they can totally do it. They are one of my classes that was totally into the Jewish folk songs and dances last week, I have been having so much fun with them, and I have yet to throw any activity that Donny and Zach don't ace at them, it is a little tricky to find a balance of something that pushes those two, keeps Tyler, Austin, and Joe moving continually or they get out of control, is not to fast paced for Ricky or he gets lost, continually has some special part for Nikki to lead or she cops an attitude, and Jaron and Malik with special medical conditions can physically do...
But I am finally starting to see the students who totally excel, the ones who fail are always evident, but there are definitely students rising above...
I also cleaned the kitchen and rode 5.5 miles on the bike before tired legs and rain turned us home today. now I am tired, time for a little american idol and dancing with the stars and heading to bed so i maybe actually wake up for bible study this week.
But I am finally starting to see the students who totally excel, the ones who fail are always evident, but there are definitely students rising above...
I also cleaned the kitchen and rode 5.5 miles on the bike before tired legs and rain turned us home today. now I am tired, time for a little american idol and dancing with the stars and heading to bed so i maybe actually wake up for bible study this week.
Monday, April 23, 2007
quite the day
I went on a 7.5 mile bike ride today(my longest of the year, gotta work up slowly...) I could have gone longer, but Alissa wants to go tomorrow too... if i push too hard today, there will be no going tomorrow... then i came home and washed my car. I hate washing cars. I need a husband or a 10 year old son or something to make wash my car... that and make my bed. if i never had to wash my car or make my bed I would be a happy woman.
I think my stomach and I have reached a truce. At least I certainly hope we have as I decided to go to work today. It let me eat my normal breakfast, exciting though a plain bagel and coffee are. I brought soup for lunch to keep it happy. Maybe by dinner I will venture out of the soup/toast/crackers/applesauce diet? I have an exciting evening of nothing planned and so I hope that I am able to rest so I can hopefully do school and a bike ride tomorrow.
I also realized yesterday that if alissa and i are making a quilt for sarah and mark we had better get cracking. And we have a duvet cover to repair for ashley and justin (their mother-in-law made it and didn't finish it, now it is un-raveling, we need to use the "forger" on it...) so many projects, so little motivation to actually finish them... maybe this summer?
and i saw an add for a night nurse for these people's baby on craig's list. part 2 of a 3 part nanny team, $25 an hour from 9pm to 6am to watch their kid sleep. really, out of control. they also have a day nanny from 7 to 4 that makes $50K and someone for evenings and weekends. CRAZY!!!! why have a child if you are only spending from 6-7am with them?
I also realized yesterday that if alissa and i are making a quilt for sarah and mark we had better get cracking. And we have a duvet cover to repair for ashley and justin (their mother-in-law made it and didn't finish it, now it is un-raveling, we need to use the "forger" on it...) so many projects, so little motivation to actually finish them... maybe this summer?
and i saw an add for a night nurse for these people's baby on craig's list. part 2 of a 3 part nanny team, $25 an hour from 9pm to 6am to watch their kid sleep. really, out of control. they also have a day nanny from 7 to 4 that makes $50K and someone for evenings and weekends. CRAZY!!!! why have a child if you are only spending from 6-7am with them?
Sunday, April 22, 2007
a little better
so... exciting day... i attempted to get ready to go to church. I was successful, so I went. I came home, drank chicken broth, slept, watched happy feet with alissa and ran a few errands.
I am getting closer to committing to riding the Courage. I bought a water bottle holder for my bike, and bike gloves, and a little bag thing to hold keys and such when on a ride. I had to buy Men's Large gloves. That was a little depressing. the largest women's gloves didn't even fit on my hand. But our friend Michelle at least expressed interest in training rides with us (and we will get her to join on the big adventure) and Rebecca says she will come down from Alaska to join us (well she says if I do it, she will, I think she is just going along for the joy of laughing at Katie's prissyness in the outdoors, luckily it is in the Cascades rather than the Olympics, so not quite the slug factor...) anyone else want to come?
I think I will make it to school tomorrow. We have two wonderful more weeks of WASLing. Oh fun, oh joy... and luckily I have much "planning time" on mondays (translated "if i feel like crap, i can hide under my desk for most of the day without anyone noticing")
I am getting closer to committing to riding the Courage. I bought a water bottle holder for my bike, and bike gloves, and a little bag thing to hold keys and such when on a ride. I had to buy Men's Large gloves. That was a little depressing. the largest women's gloves didn't even fit on my hand. But our friend Michelle at least expressed interest in training rides with us (and we will get her to join on the big adventure) and Rebecca says she will come down from Alaska to join us (well she says if I do it, she will, I think she is just going along for the joy of laughing at Katie's prissyness in the outdoors, luckily it is in the Cascades rather than the Olympics, so not quite the slug factor...) anyone else want to come?
I think I will make it to school tomorrow. We have two wonderful more weeks of WASLing. Oh fun, oh joy... and luckily I have much "planning time" on mondays (translated "if i feel like crap, i can hide under my desk for most of the day without anyone noticing")
Saturday, April 21, 2007
My plan for today: Run to the store, drink some coffee, take a nice ride on my bike, maybe at Point Defiance, get ready, run a couple errands, go to church.
Reality today: Wake up, an episode that I won't describe, took some drugs Alissa gave me to calm my tummy, slept, watched a movie (freedom writers--really good, I cried), got a couple dozen cheerios down dry, slept, watched 1/2 of last week's lost, slept, watched some more lost, am drinking chicken broth, have great plans of a piece of toast if I am still cool to eat when Alissa gets home from the store, maybe another movie or something, or more sleep?
Reality today: Wake up, an episode that I won't describe, took some drugs Alissa gave me to calm my tummy, slept, watched a movie (freedom writers--really good, I cried), got a couple dozen cheerios down dry, slept, watched 1/2 of last week's lost, slept, watched some more lost, am drinking chicken broth, have great plans of a piece of toast if I am still cool to eat when Alissa gets home from the store, maybe another movie or something, or more sleep?
She done it
Last night we did the Spirit of Washington Murder Mystery Dinner Train. Alissa (suprise) was one of the criminals. It was fun. Good food, strange to eat on a train, the mystery thing was entertaining. Gabbie and Bryan were less into it. A little embarrassed.
Now today, I'm sick, I hope it wasn't my food, but it has been a fun morning in my tummy...
Now today, I'm sick, I hope it wasn't my food, but it has been a fun morning in my tummy...
Friday, April 20, 2007
Yesterday morning I almost had myself convinced that it was friday. But it wasn't. That is sad to realize...
Also yesterday, Alissa bought a new bike (I guess we are going to have to start training) and a bike rack (so we can drive to places and have more interesting rides) I think if it is sunny (or just not raining heavily) we have some biking fun slotted for Saturday morning.
Then we went for a walk.
Then we went to BBQ with Alissa's crazy work friends. We laughed, we had a great time, we got the worst service ever... we got kicked out of the restaurant when the door closed--but not really our fault because we got there at 7:30 and didn't get our bill till after 10... SLOW!!! and ignoring us, but still... great BBQ... we then talked for a while in the parking lot and didn't get till bed till midnight, this morning was WAY to early.
Today I have a full day (9 classes, no planning) then I have to run home and dress up (out of jeans at least) and then we are going out for Alissa's birthday again. and somehow in the course of that I may not get my story for this week written and posted on the church website because I also have to make soup for lunch today.... and I didn't go grocery shopping last night--oops....
Also yesterday, Alissa bought a new bike (I guess we are going to have to start training) and a bike rack (so we can drive to places and have more interesting rides) I think if it is sunny (or just not raining heavily) we have some biking fun slotted for Saturday morning.
Then we went for a walk.
Then we went to BBQ with Alissa's crazy work friends. We laughed, we had a great time, we got the worst service ever... we got kicked out of the restaurant when the door closed--but not really our fault because we got there at 7:30 and didn't get our bill till after 10... SLOW!!! and ignoring us, but still... great BBQ... we then talked for a while in the parking lot and didn't get till bed till midnight, this morning was WAY to early.
Today I have a full day (9 classes, no planning) then I have to run home and dress up (out of jeans at least) and then we are going out for Alissa's birthday again. and somehow in the course of that I may not get my story for this week written and posted on the church website because I also have to make soup for lunch today.... and I didn't go grocery shopping last night--oops....
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Here is the summary: Kids are crazy, I am grumpy. Fun week huh? I have had 5th graders rolling around on the ground, totally standard in a class of 1st graders--a little out of place in 5th... There are kids getting in fights. We had one girl get suspended from her bus, not tell her mom, hide from the bus the next day, walk to school and then make up a story about this guy abducting her when she was late. They were about to have to make a police report (she was saying details down to the make/model of his car and a detailed physical description) when they somehow found out she was making the whole thing up to get out of trouble for not telling her mom about the suspension.
But tonight Alissa's work friends are coming over. We are going to let them experience honey from a ladder with us. So that's a highlight. I think Ashley is bringing cocktails in exchange for use of the "forger"--translated "serger" I figure she is not touching the thing if she thinks it's a forger-there is a big blade on it. Especially not if there are cocktails involved, somehow sergers and cocktails shouldn't be combined. I guess I also get to meet this Lisa girl who we have made very loud scrubs for and she lives up in the boonies without indoor plumbing and is loud and crazy and wild and fun. We have also made scrubs for Ashley-that's how she knew about the "forger"--she and her husband moved here after Katrina from New Orleans and I guess being a new nurse and frugal due to loosing all of their possessions under 20 feet of water... she doesn't have many scrubs and didn't have any cute ones. We help. I don't know who else is coming, but it should be fun. They dump honey from a ladder, what else do you need?
Tomorrow is also exciting, but it is a surprise for Alissa's birthday with Gabbie and Monica and Brian, so I will talk about that later.
I am still pondering the Courage thing. 172 miles seems like a long way... and I don't have to decide till Alissa finds out if she can get it off from work... Advice from school: Tim says: "that will be painful in the girl parts--you can come hike 100+ miles with us around Mt. Rainier instead" Elisabeth: "I would never consider it, but my husband would say go for it" Roy: "that is a great idea if you want to feel like you are sawing yourself in half."
But tonight Alissa's work friends are coming over. We are going to let them experience honey from a ladder with us. So that's a highlight. I think Ashley is bringing cocktails in exchange for use of the "forger"--translated "serger" I figure she is not touching the thing if she thinks it's a forger-there is a big blade on it. Especially not if there are cocktails involved, somehow sergers and cocktails shouldn't be combined. I guess I also get to meet this Lisa girl who we have made very loud scrubs for and she lives up in the boonies without indoor plumbing and is loud and crazy and wild and fun. We have also made scrubs for Ashley-that's how she knew about the "forger"--she and her husband moved here after Katrina from New Orleans and I guess being a new nurse and frugal due to loosing all of their possessions under 20 feet of water... she doesn't have many scrubs and didn't have any cute ones. We help. I don't know who else is coming, but it should be fun. They dump honey from a ladder, what else do you need?
Tomorrow is also exciting, but it is a surprise for Alissa's birthday with Gabbie and Monica and Brian, so I will talk about that later.
I am still pondering the Courage thing. 172 miles seems like a long way... and I don't have to decide till Alissa finds out if she can get it off from work... Advice from school: Tim says: "that will be painful in the girl parts--you can come hike 100+ miles with us around Mt. Rainier instead" Elisabeth: "I would never consider it, but my husband would say go for it" Roy: "that is a great idea if you want to feel like you are sawing yourself in half."
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

So, I am trying to decide... Ride the Courage? Don't ride the Courage?
Negatives: It would be 172 miles on my bike in three days. Up the Cascade Mountains. I would have to raise at least $400 dollars. It is again, UP the mountains!
Positives: I would be forced to get in better shape. $400 minimum would go to fighting child abuse. They have massages every evening you can get. If you get UP the mountain, you do get to go DOWN the mountain too... It would be fun once I got over the absolute exhaustion. I do have the summer to train if I do it. Alissa is doing it so we could train together.
Monday, April 16, 2007
He asked, She agreed
So, Sarah and Mark are finally engaged! Yeah, finally. So now that dress I bought is officially a bridesmaid dress. All I've got to say is people better not forget my birthday in the slew of wedding plans :) they are getting married three days after.
(how did he ask, you might ask) Mark took her up on the roof of the church to ask (cute idea, didn't quite think through the climbing the access ladder in a dress and heels part of the plan.) then his band served them dinner in one of the rooms in the church and serenaded them while they ate. then they went home, she made his lunch for tomorrow and called me.
In other news, Katherine came home last night, and TALKED to Alissa and I while eating her meal (a side salad from red robin) in front of us. It really should not be shocking to you that your roommate a) came home, b) ate, c) talked to people. But she has also watched tv with me twice this week as well, and came in my room one night after I was in bed when she got home to say goodnight, I don't know what is going on...
Oh, and today begins the great fun of WASL testing. I am trying to prepare myself for crazy, used all restraint up on testing kids! It is not going well, can I stay in bed today?
(how did he ask, you might ask) Mark took her up on the roof of the church to ask (cute idea, didn't quite think through the climbing the access ladder in a dress and heels part of the plan.) then his band served them dinner in one of the rooms in the church and serenaded them while they ate. then they went home, she made his lunch for tomorrow and called me.
In other news, Katherine came home last night, and TALKED to Alissa and I while eating her meal (a side salad from red robin) in front of us. It really should not be shocking to you that your roommate a) came home, b) ate, c) talked to people. But she has also watched tv with me twice this week as well, and came in my room one night after I was in bed when she got home to say goodnight, I don't know what is going on...
Oh, and today begins the great fun of WASL testing. I am trying to prepare myself for crazy, used all restraint up on testing kids! It is not going well, can I stay in bed today?
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Will he pop the question?
So, Sarah, Mark and I started out the morning with me visiting their other church with them (of course, Sarah thought this was a spur of the moment thing, I think mark first asked me in February, however...) Mark sneaks out to "use the bathroom" during worship, Sarah leans over and complains about his inability to hold it. He has plans after church so leaves with Doug, and then we chat and go out to her car. She is SHOCKED to see an envelope on her seat. She opens it, she finds out I am in on this, she tells me where to look for MY envelope which has directions in it, I give them out one at a time so she only knows the next street to turn on as Sarah and I go to lunch and the restaurant the three of us ate at the day they met. The room they first danced together in, and her parent's home. then we had free time for her to get ready for an evening out. and I gave her directions over the phone to get back down to the church where he has dinner waiting for them, and I heard a rumor of dancing on the roof of the church, and if he doesn't propose WHY NOT!!!! they already have booked and planned their entire wedding and honeymoon. I will update when I know for sure they are "officially" engaged.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Oh happy day!

I know I talk about honey from a ladder alot. It is one of my favorite things in life. I don't know why, I am not a particularly big fan of honey, but I think something changes when it is dropped onto your table from the top of the ladder. The only problem with honey from a ladder is driving an hour for the singular purpose of watching someone drop honey onto your table.
Today was a great day. Alissa and I made a wonderful new discovery! Someone at the hospital mentioned a place that has honey from a ladder. And it was less than a mile from our house, so we drove all around looking for it and didn't find the place, but found a different place and were so hungry for BBQ, we were willing to go for it, whether we got sick from trying a new spot or not, (and it looked a bit shady)
so we go in and poke our head through the window, which ends up being the kitchen, not where the greeter (who was nowhere to be found) was hiding out. the cook guy yelled across the restaurant to find her, and when she got there it was going to be a 30 minute wait, but we could eat in the "lounge." (for purposes of this description, "lounge" could be defined as "seedy bar with an excessive number of dart boards, the entire class of Mount Tahoma High School from 1982--not joking, they literally kept showing up and realizing they went to school together in a very loud, drunk fashion, and a pool table positioned just so that every time the giant man playing pool aimed he would almost bump into alissa's chair and come inches from beaning her in the head with his cue, and his opponant was playing with a broken arm in a cast and kept jumping balls off the table, and i was sure one would land in our food.)
So, we eat in the "lounge" and the waitress (who was obviously new, confused, slow, and very sweet) eventually brought us menus, and low and behold MILE HIGH HONEY for the cornbread! so i go out because, being the brilliant person I am, I doubt they will bring the ladder into the bar and drop the honey onto the table, so I was going to see if we could get a table after all, because what is BBQ without honey from a ladder? But the nice waitress said she couldn't do it for us (she hasn't hit the bowl YET--I think that is why she is in the "lounge") but for us, she would find someone to do it, so before we even ordered, we had a bowl full of honey dropped onto our table in the middle of the bar.
We have an excellent meal of BBQ (Alissa has rib tips, I have chicken. I ate a 1/4 of a chicken. I am full. I have another 1/4 of a chicken in the fridge. It was EXCELLENT food. Except for the mashed potatoes. They sucked. But then really, who cares, you order a baked potato next time. The only reason I didn't get one tonight is that i didn't want a baked potato that was as big as my head. By the time we had eaten, the waitress forgot her rag on our table as she went to wipe down another table, we didn't care, we had dirty hands and commandeered the rag (looked clean) washed our sticky hands, and waited for the poor girl to figure out the system to ring our orders, one of the cooks was now playing pool, they asked if we enjoyed our food. we said yes, but we liked the honey more. The cook said, come back any time, I will always find someone to bring the ladder to where ever you are :) we like their willingness to do the ladder. I guess they will also let you sign the ladder if you let them drop it into a bowl on your head :) they told us all about how they USED to be the place we were originally looking for but there was some sort of difficulty with the IRS... So the guy went under but someone else bought it, changed the name, and rescued the four cooks from fast food hell(who have been there together since the 70s) and re-opened it less than two months ago. so, no wonder the wait staff was slow and the food came super fast, the cooks could do this in their sleep and there is not an experienced waitress in the place.
So, all in all, it was a wonderful find, everyone needs to experience our new favorite place. it has character! and good food! Alissa and I even decided our new workout plan for the summer is going to be walk to BBQ, buy a piece of cornbread for $1.75, watch them drop the honey, and walk home (to replace last summer's walk to starbucks plan--walk a mile, drink starbucks while you walk home) I think both plans may (if we are lucky) come out neutral on the whole calorie-burning thing. We should maybe consider working out without involving food or coffee. but that is no fun...
crazy day
I am glad it is Saturday. It is 9:30 in the morning and the entire day stretches in front of me with an exciting agenda of not sleeping (so I can sleep at night, I have had a little napping problem this week, a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon doesn't lead to a full night's sleep) and being quiet (so Alissa can get a full night's sleep). I don't know what I will do but it will probably involve a pillow, the couch, and a movie :) good day!
I was at Blockbuster last night picking up some movies to keep me entertained today when the lady in front of me in line convinced me she was crazy. She had a bet with her cousin that Blockbuster would have the Flight of the Navigator for rent. They didn't, so instead of losing the bet, she purchased a copy, (they did have it for sale) and convinced the crazy blockbuster boys to put it in a blockbuster case, barcode it, and make it look like a rental. I just laughed.
I won't tell you about the latest sewing project. it is a little bit morbid, and for Alissa's work, I am not sure exactly how to go about making it, so that will be an adventure, i think we need board cut to size and stuff so may have to go to home depot this week and play dumb blonde girl to get them to cut it to size for me :) always so effective... I may have to sand it myself, but I DO have that level of skill...
I was at Blockbuster last night picking up some movies to keep me entertained today when the lady in front of me in line convinced me she was crazy. She had a bet with her cousin that Blockbuster would have the Flight of the Navigator for rent. They didn't, so instead of losing the bet, she purchased a copy, (they did have it for sale) and convinced the crazy blockbuster boys to put it in a blockbuster case, barcode it, and make it look like a rental. I just laughed.
I won't tell you about the latest sewing project. it is a little bit morbid, and for Alissa's work, I am not sure exactly how to go about making it, so that will be an adventure, i think we need board cut to size and stuff so may have to go to home depot this week and play dumb blonde girl to get them to cut it to size for me :) always so effective... I may have to sand it myself, but I DO have that level of skill...
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Lost with Clueless...

I watched Lost with Katherine last night. It was the first good, annoying, royally confusing episode in a long time. I was confused. Which means Katherine, who has difficulty following a re-run of Friends... you get the picture. I managed not to laugh. This seems like an achievement to me. I don't think many people could watch one episode three seasons into that show and get it... The questions... I tried to patiently explain--on the commercials--understanding that the likelihood of her getting what I was saying was nil. If only I knew what was going on inside that head of hers.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

One of the school buses at a neighboring school got rear-ended by a semi today. I had a moment of panic when Alissa woke up from my after school nap to tell me. She didn't know what school it was or how bad the injuries were. She was actually even more panicked because she would have to see any of the traumas cause she was on her way to work. It turns out that there were just 5 minor injuries. So, that is good...
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
super-speed crochet
Yesterday evening I realized I didn't have a boy-appropriate blankie in my box for the baby shower that was today (lucky thing we had it today, Margie started suspecting she was pregnant about two months ago. went to the dr. a the beginning of March, figuring she was 2-3 months along. He said, more like 5-6. Then the next day she had an ultrasound which determined the due date was actually May 4th! But then over spring break they decided to move it up again and it is now April 27th, which is good because the WASL is over the 26th so she can finish that... if they don't move it up any farther. She has known for sure she was pregnant for barely over a month and is due in two weeks. CRAZY!) So, I spent all last night crocheting (big needle) and a little more while I was drinking my coffee, and during a meeting before school, and on my lunch, and in all the 5 minute breaks between each of my classes and miracle! finished it just before the shower when school got out.
Everyone was ever so impressed... I think, if i was really impressive, I would plan a little farther in advance.
Everyone was ever so impressed... I think, if i was really impressive, I would plan a little farther in advance.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Happy Easter.
Exciting day. I woke up way too early, drank coffee, headed to church, drank more coffee, did my production thing, and got a new stalker. Just when I think I have finally driven off the last one (really harmless, don't worry, just followed me around a little like a puppy.) This one is a little more aggressive in his efforts to chat. He follows, interrupts conversations, and asks me (forcefully) how I am doing every 1/2 hour or so. He seems to be annoyed when I give a monosyllabic response and continue in the conversation he interrupted.
(for those who may be curious, we did have a total of 4000 people saturday and sunday at church--that's a LOT of people)
Then we went to Alissa's grandma's for dinner. They had veggies, dip, gorganzola/cranberry dip, crackers, chips, shrimp, and warm mexican-y dip. Alissa and I had to hunt for the egg candy. Then we had dinner. Ham, a turkey roast just for me (aren't I special), potato casserole, cooked carrots, corn (for both me and Hannah--I never get to go there without getting corn), fruit salad, and sparkeling cider. Wrap it all up with chocolate eclair dessert (i think you layer graham crackers and a pudding mixture, and top it with chocolate icing--actually tastes remarkably eclair-y.) My stummy is very full and my eyes are very sleepy.
Now I get to sleep and be ready to go back to work in the morning. Breaks are so lovely, but going back to work is hard!
(for those who may be curious, we did have a total of 4000 people saturday and sunday at church--that's a LOT of people)
Then we went to Alissa's grandma's for dinner. They had veggies, dip, gorganzola/cranberry dip, crackers, chips, shrimp, and warm mexican-y dip. Alissa and I had to hunt for the egg candy. Then we had dinner. Ham, a turkey roast just for me (aren't I special), potato casserole, cooked carrots, corn (for both me and Hannah--I never get to go there without getting corn), fruit salad, and sparkeling cider. Wrap it all up with chocolate eclair dessert (i think you layer graham crackers and a pudding mixture, and top it with chocolate icing--actually tastes remarkably eclair-y.) My stummy is very full and my eyes are very sleepy.
Now I get to sleep and be ready to go back to work in the morning. Breaks are so lovely, but going back to work is hard!
Saturday, April 7, 2007
I guess I need to apologize. Not only did I feel miserable and sniffly all week, evidently I managed to now make everyone else miserable and sniffly as well. Oh, well, I will just blame it on some kid at school...
I am exhausted right now. We had two Easter Saturday services tonight. You may think "who goes to saturday night church on Easter? It's kinda a sunday kind of holiday..." but 2000 people decided to. 2000 people is our normal total weekend attendance. We had that tonight. So, I am tired :) But it is amazing.
I am exhausted right now. We had two Easter Saturday services tonight. You may think "who goes to saturday night church on Easter? It's kinda a sunday kind of holiday..." but 2000 people decided to. 2000 people is our normal total weekend attendance. We had that tonight. So, I am tired :) But it is amazing.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Thursday, I did a couple interviews for the church website. Then I went out with Alissa and work friends, again for her birthday. Mexican food followed by karaoke. Lots of fun.
Then today Emily called and she, Alissa, and I were going to go walk Ruston Way. Then Emily decided she needed coffee and who am I to argue with coffee, so we set off to Tully's since we only get to go there when there is an excuse to go somewhere near downtown. We get into Tullys and Emily remembers that she hasn't eaten and Emily is crazy-hyper when she has coffee with no food, so we set of walking in downtown Tacoma to find food. We find the Quiznos INSIDE the OTHER Tullys down the street. So we eat sandwiches and walk BACK to the first Tullys to get coffee (needed a little break between feedings, I guess) before heading down to Ruston. We had a nice walk, and then I realized that I was going to be late to meet with someone for another interview (getting a ton of them done, so I can take it easy for a while) so Alissa dropped me off at church and then when she picked me up, she said we were on our way to Federal Way to the christian bookstore where she got a $100 easter gift card from her birth mom. All of this to say it was a full, fun, random day and I didn't get home to eat my fried knephla till after 10.
Now we're watching a lame movie.
Then today Emily called and she, Alissa, and I were going to go walk Ruston Way. Then Emily decided she needed coffee and who am I to argue with coffee, so we set off to Tully's since we only get to go there when there is an excuse to go somewhere near downtown. We get into Tullys and Emily remembers that she hasn't eaten and Emily is crazy-hyper when she has coffee with no food, so we set of walking in downtown Tacoma to find food. We find the Quiznos INSIDE the OTHER Tullys down the street. So we eat sandwiches and walk BACK to the first Tullys to get coffee (needed a little break between feedings, I guess) before heading down to Ruston. We had a nice walk, and then I realized that I was going to be late to meet with someone for another interview (getting a ton of them done, so I can take it easy for a while) so Alissa dropped me off at church and then when she picked me up, she said we were on our way to Federal Way to the christian bookstore where she got a $100 easter gift card from her birth mom. All of this to say it was a full, fun, random day and I didn't get home to eat my fried knephla till after 10.
Now we're watching a lame movie.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Good friend

Then, being an even nicer friend, I took her to Red Lobster. And let her get the crab. Which meant I was forced to get dessert while I patiently waited for her to crack each leg painstakingly. She only gets to order crab with me once a year, I am patient, but not THAT patient. So not only did I get to eat salmon (always a good thing) but they accidentally put two portions of salmon in my bag so I get salmon tomorrow too... And I got a caramel apple pie/tart thing. (while I felt a little bit bad having dessert when Alissa wasn't, she couldn't eat any of the desserts anyway, and she got lobster-artichoke dip...)
And because we went to an early movie, we are home in time to watch someone get booted from American Idol and see Lost.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
It's up

Ok, I am tired, yet can't go to bed because my sheets are in the dryer. It's a problem, and I know when they are done I will have no energy at all to finish making it, but it will feel soooo good to sleep in my own bed, in clean sheets, in my new frame, that is so nice and replaced the old frame which is now leaning on the futon cause I can't figure out how to take it apart. I think man-strength and beating on it and maybe kicking it is involved because I certainly couldn't manage to get the thing apart or folded or anything like that. It seems solid. but there must be a way...
Anyway, thank you Daddy for the beautiful bedframe, it fits and looks quite nice. Do you notice how badly the bedside table goes with it... :( if only I had one that matched :)
Also, please ignore the messiness... it goes with trying to put together a bed and not cleaning the whole room first. And the fact I didn't post photos with a lovely quilt, obviously due to me being sitting here waiting for the sheets to dry, there is no quilt on the bed...

I'm home
For all of the people who were annoyed that I hadn't posted in a few days even though I was in the same room as you were in, I am home. Dropped off safely by Chelsea and Layden (who talked quite happily with only a few second interruption to jam his hammer as far down his throat as he could get it the whole way here, he also was having lots of fun playing the "uh-oh" game with his gullible cousin)
Now I am home, Alissa is asleep, I have much laundry I could be doing, a bed to set up, and very little motivation to do anything, which is good because... I can't do any of my noisy tasks at the moment anyway. It is possible that I may work up some motivation after she wakes up, but unlikely. Hopefully I drum up some by tomorrow, and think of something wonderful to do for Alissa's birthday.
Now I am home, Alissa is asleep, I have much laundry I could be doing, a bed to set up, and very little motivation to do anything, which is good because... I can't do any of my noisy tasks at the moment anyway. It is possible that I may work up some motivation after she wakes up, but unlikely. Hopefully I drum up some by tomorrow, and think of something wonderful to do for Alissa's birthday.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I bought this dress today. I get to be maid of honor. Again. Number 3. Luckily, I don't believe the three times a bridesmaid never a bride philosophy. Though, if it is true, I have until September to snag a guy or I will forever be single. Of course, they aren't technically engaged yet, but I guess with the contract signed on the hall and announcements ordered for September 1st technicalities like asking are a little irrelevant.
Monday, March 26, 2007
If I was ever going to become anorexic, I found the perfect motivation this evening. As I was going to the grocery store, Jimmy (the creepy obnoxious neighbor, mid-fifties I would guess and living with his mother and racing his motorcycle around the neighborhood) saw me getting home from the grocery store. He said hi, I mumbled hi back (don't want to encourage the man) he said, it looks like you are loosing weight, I saw you riding your bike today, don't do to much of that, you are too skinny already, I like my women with some meat on their bones. Doesn't make you want to get the big mac. If ever there was a motivation to diet, not being Jimmy's ideal is it. Don't actually worry about the anorexic thing however, I enjoy food way to much and way to much of it for that to ever happen.
spring optimism
I went on a bike ride today and noticed something. Everyone is nicer in the spring. Everyone I saw outside was smiling and friendly and greeting each other with an "isn't it so exciting that we are both outside and not freezing our tails off or getting soaked" kind of cheer. Even the people mowing their lawns seemed excited to be mowing because they were mowing for the first time of the season and that means things are growing (and they haven't had to do it for a while) When you are outside in september people are much less friendly. They have a selfishly hoarding the last days of niceness kind of attitude.
In other news, I am out of shape and have wonderful allergies to all of the new things that are deciding to grow and bloom right now, so I rode a whopping 4 miles. But then I went inside and did a little hip hop abs, so it all balances out in the end.
In other news, I am out of shape and have wonderful allergies to all of the new things that are deciding to grow and bloom right now, so I rode a whopping 4 miles. But then I went inside and did a little hip hop abs, so it all balances out in the end.
I can't decide which is better... A foggy, fuzzy brain due to sinus pressure and nasty allergies OR a foggy, fuzzy brain due to the medication that would get rid of the sinus pressure and allergies. There doesn't seem to be a non-foggy-fuzzy option right now... But hey, i only teach half days this week and then have the afternoons to go crazy and try to be productive in my classroom.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
This was a nice weekend. I ended up directing and switching and producing (sounds important... huh?) Which means, in addition to my normal jobs, I was in charge of all of the video, and what cameras were on screen... Would have been fine if computers weren't randomly deciding they didn't like playing with each other. The switcher kept deciding it didn't want to talk to the graphics computer. and I don't have enough knowledge to force it to... then i found the "force acquire" button. gotta love that the mondo computer thing has a force button for when you REALLY want it to do what you are telling it to.
Then alissa and I walked Ruston Way. It was nice, sunny, lots of people, none of them were the hot bike cops that were there last summer. Maybe hot bike cops is just a summer thing.
And the most exciting of all... The ice cream truck was here. You know winter's over when the ice cream truck shows up.
Then alissa and I walked Ruston Way. It was nice, sunny, lots of people, none of them were the hot bike cops that were there last summer. Maybe hot bike cops is just a summer thing.
And the most exciting of all... The ice cream truck was here. You know winter's over when the ice cream truck shows up.
Friday, March 23, 2007
to clarify
to everyone rejoicing over my conversion to mac land... I have always had a mac at school. frequently ancient ones. I converted from a pretty blue mac to a faster, smaller white mac. that is my computer knowledge. pretty blue to skinny white...
I also use exclusively macs at church. and let me tell you that propresenter is a wierd program, how am i expected to anticipate when the computer will freeze and which settings it will remember and whether the advance button will skip ahead one or three slides. the old pc was slow but at least it was predictable...
i have a pc at home. it isn't broke, why mess with it... and now that i don't use explorer, i haven't had any virus problems...
I also use exclusively macs at church. and let me tell you that propresenter is a wierd program, how am i expected to anticipate when the computer will freeze and which settings it will remember and whether the advance button will skip ahead one or three slides. the old pc was slow but at least it was predictable...
i have a pc at home. it isn't broke, why mess with it... and now that i don't use explorer, i haven't had any virus problems...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
back to work
I wish I wasn't headed back to work, I could so easily stay wonderfully in bed for another week or so. But I made it through our choral festival yesterday, which I could not miss. So, I figure I should be able to make it through today. I will just have to not push it too hard.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
day 2
Home sick again. Feeling a bit better. Well, as long as my body is horizontal I am completely fine. And if I sit up but don't have to hold my head up just my arms feel wierd. Heavy. Like they are 4 times the weight they normally are. So either I suddenly grew Popeye forearms
or I have funny weak-arm disease. If I stand up or try to hold my head up on my own, I am fine for a few minutes, but that is when the whole world gets a little bit swirly. It is nice to be sick and not feel like crap. Because as long as I stay laying down, it is like a nice day off. Of course I have choir festival tomorrow to worry about. But we will take that one step at a time, at least I am not teaching for the day. I just have to monitor kids. I do need to teach my math class, and write sub plans and such... Oh well... life continues, even if the whole world is swirly.

Monday, March 19, 2007
I got sent home sick from school today. Complete with a visit to the nurse's office. She was quite concerned with my temp. And I was white and couldn't stand up very well on my own so I wasn't entirely convincing when I told her that 97.3 was completely normal for me. So they got me a sub, walked me to my car and sent me on my way. For the most part I feel fine. I took two naps and have had 4-5 dizzy spells since I got home, but the hours in between that have been fine as long as I was laying down or sitting down for short whiles. I will see how the evening goes and if I need to call in for tomorrow. I shouldn't, Choir festival is wednesday... but I will if I can't go for a couple hours without getting totally dizzy...
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Sold Out
I took a three hour nap this afternoon. Which may mean that if I go to bed tonight at about 7, I may be ready to teach tomorrow. The jr high-college conference was this weekend at church. So I was at church from 4:30 to 10:30 Thursday, from 4:30 to 12:00 Friday night, Saturday from 7:00 am to 8:30 pm, and then today from 6:45 until 1:00. And I wasn't there near as long as some of the boys. It was a crazy-amazing weekend. But absolutely exhausting. I have no energy left right now. I am trying to work through my evening choices of activity. Lay and watch a movie, lay and read a book, lay and watch tv, and lay and do nothing are top choices right now. we will see what happens.
My favorite moment of the weekend would be during the concert friday night the bass player was trying to flag down someone for some help. Lisa was across the stage and saw it and thought, "I could go, but I probably won't be able to help him if it is a technical problem." So she runs into the control room, and yells at someone to get Daniel over the comm system (stage manager for the weekend, had momentarily left his post to get water for the camera guys and had a pile of ten water bottles in his arms as he was returning) As Lisa asks this, some joker walks by and says, "the bass player needs help? I am sure he just needs his yogurt." Lisa, in a different conversation, to someone else says, "yeah I am sure that is what he needs." Melissa, as part of that conversation jumps up and runs to see what it was (turns out--someone to wipe his brow--he was playing hard and sweaty) Meanwhile, they are yelling through the comm about how much he needs yogurt, Daniel throws his water bottles down in the hall and takes off running to search the church for some yogurt--that is going above and beyond... So they made a special yogurt trophy for his work...
My favorite moment of the weekend would be during the concert friday night the bass player was trying to flag down someone for some help. Lisa was across the stage and saw it and thought, "I could go, but I probably won't be able to help him if it is a technical problem." So she runs into the control room, and yells at someone to get Daniel over the comm system (stage manager for the weekend, had momentarily left his post to get water for the camera guys and had a pile of ten water bottles in his arms as he was returning) As Lisa asks this, some joker walks by and says, "the bass player needs help? I am sure he just needs his yogurt." Lisa, in a different conversation, to someone else says, "yeah I am sure that is what he needs." Melissa, as part of that conversation jumps up and runs to see what it was (turns out--someone to wipe his brow--he was playing hard and sweaty) Meanwhile, they are yelling through the comm about how much he needs yogurt, Daniel throws his water bottles down in the hall and takes off running to search the church for some yogurt--that is going above and beyond... So they made a special yogurt trophy for his work...
Friday, March 16, 2007
Today was a commandment-y day. I have two funny kid stories. Both strangely having to do with the ten commandments (shh... that didn't happen in a public school)
So, a second grader comes up to me about to burst into tears, her charm broke from her bracelet. I don't really look at the charm and brush her off with a "if you put it in your pocket I am sure mom can fix it when you get home." She brings it back up when her teacher gets there. "My charm broke" Her teacher perfectly calmly said, "Sarah, that is the third time you have broken the ten commandments today. Why don't I keep them for you until it is time for you to go home." I almost cracked up, but I kept a straight face.
This morning I was trying (with varying degrees of success) to get my morning group to do math. DJ actually did one math problem accurately. This was a huge success. He is a big fan of filling in the blank with whatever number leaps into his head, after randomly carrying some ones and borrowing some different numbers just to make it look like he did some work. It doesn't matter the problem. He will carry numbers all over the page (whether or not there are actually any problems that require carrying. Anthony is not a big fan of doing anything. His favorite method of finding answers is to glance at any papers around him and go with majority. Maurice (I love Maurice, my kind of kid) thinks this tendency is great to play with. So he will work out the whole problem fevorishly, making a deliberate mistake somewhere along the line, excitedly call out the wrong answer, get Anthony to write it down, and when asked to explain how he got the wrong answer, will go through step by step and then when he gets to his mistake, erases and explains. being the good teacher I am, I question, why did you change? "Because I added instead of multiplied so Anthony would not get the right answer." Anthony isn't actually all that dumb, so he picks up on Maurice's strategy. But Maurice switches it up and half of the time he does it right and half wrong, so there can't be any prediction... They make me laugh.
But anyway, this morning, Anthony tells me that he shouldn't have to do anything he doesn't want to do. And not only that, but he is guaranteed the right to not do anything he doesn't want to in the "fifth commandment." I, of course, say, "but isn't that the one that says 'honor thy father and thy mother'" He says, "oh, it must be that other 5th thing" "the fifth ammendment?" "Yeah, that's it" "isn't that the right to a fair trial or something like that?" "oh, never mind", and he copies Maurice's wrong answer. Not only can I teach kids math (evidently quite well...) but I can also work in bible study, and US government into my lesson. I am the most amazing teacher ever.
Wednesday, I even introduced Anthony to the sad truth that chores don't end at 18. He was quite excited that he would be done with chores in just 6 more years. Being the wise woman I am, I ask, "do you ever plan on getting married." "Duh, I'm cute, I'll get a wife" "And she will never ask you do do any chores?" "I'm doomed," says the brilliant one. Krystal says, "I'll just have lots of kids, so I don't have any chores. ha." I couldn't help laughing at her. I broke the news gently to her, that no matter how many kids you have you will still have to assign chores and re do the things they mess up, and do the things they can't do. You never escape... I burst their innocent little bubble... you may wonder when in all of this I teach math, sometimes so do I...
So, a second grader comes up to me about to burst into tears, her charm broke from her bracelet. I don't really look at the charm and brush her off with a "if you put it in your pocket I am sure mom can fix it when you get home." She brings it back up when her teacher gets there. "My charm broke" Her teacher perfectly calmly said, "Sarah, that is the third time you have broken the ten commandments today. Why don't I keep them for you until it is time for you to go home." I almost cracked up, but I kept a straight face.
This morning I was trying (with varying degrees of success) to get my morning group to do math. DJ actually did one math problem accurately. This was a huge success. He is a big fan of filling in the blank with whatever number leaps into his head, after randomly carrying some ones and borrowing some different numbers just to make it look like he did some work. It doesn't matter the problem. He will carry numbers all over the page (whether or not there are actually any problems that require carrying. Anthony is not a big fan of doing anything. His favorite method of finding answers is to glance at any papers around him and go with majority. Maurice (I love Maurice, my kind of kid) thinks this tendency is great to play with. So he will work out the whole problem fevorishly, making a deliberate mistake somewhere along the line, excitedly call out the wrong answer, get Anthony to write it down, and when asked to explain how he got the wrong answer, will go through step by step and then when he gets to his mistake, erases and explains. being the good teacher I am, I question, why did you change? "Because I added instead of multiplied so Anthony would not get the right answer." Anthony isn't actually all that dumb, so he picks up on Maurice's strategy. But Maurice switches it up and half of the time he does it right and half wrong, so there can't be any prediction... They make me laugh.
But anyway, this morning, Anthony tells me that he shouldn't have to do anything he doesn't want to do. And not only that, but he is guaranteed the right to not do anything he doesn't want to in the "fifth commandment." I, of course, say, "but isn't that the one that says 'honor thy father and thy mother'" He says, "oh, it must be that other 5th thing" "the fifth ammendment?" "Yeah, that's it" "isn't that the right to a fair trial or something like that?" "oh, never mind", and he copies Maurice's wrong answer. Not only can I teach kids math (evidently quite well...) but I can also work in bible study, and US government into my lesson. I am the most amazing teacher ever.
Wednesday, I even introduced Anthony to the sad truth that chores don't end at 18. He was quite excited that he would be done with chores in just 6 more years. Being the wise woman I am, I ask, "do you ever plan on getting married." "Duh, I'm cute, I'll get a wife" "And she will never ask you do do any chores?" "I'm doomed," says the brilliant one. Krystal says, "I'll just have lots of kids, so I don't have any chores. ha." I couldn't help laughing at her. I broke the news gently to her, that no matter how many kids you have you will still have to assign chores and re do the things they mess up, and do the things they can't do. You never escape... I burst their innocent little bubble... you may wonder when in all of this I teach math, sometimes so do I...
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
I took a record 1.93 mile bike ride today. Well, I started out on a ride, and was interrupted after a mile, and so rode home. The sad thing is that my legs are tired right now. 1.93 miles tires my legs. I am a wimp. But then I realized I was doing the little green frog song with my kiddos, and I think hopping like a frog may be the real cause. Hopping like a frog may not be the thing to do on non-kindergarten legs. Or it may be the start of some amazing new workout craze. Try it some time. Do a full squat and then leap up as high as you can. Repeatedly. For 4 different classes. I may not be the brightest...
Sunday, March 11, 2007
I actually witnessed a 24 year old ask for clarification as to what the word "driveway" meant today. How in the world does someone not know "driveway"?
Friday, March 9, 2007
suck up
A girl asks me this afternoon, "Miss Olson, are you married?"
I, of course, reply, "You just called me 'MISS Olson', you'll have to figure it out."
She, being such an an angelic, wonderful child says, "I figured I was just saying it wrong, because you are much to beautiful NOT to married."
I, of course, reply, "You just called me 'MISS Olson', you'll have to figure it out."
She, being such an an angelic, wonderful child says, "I figured I was just saying it wrong, because you are much to beautiful NOT to married."
Thursday, March 8, 2007
spring is coming...
To contrast the previous post that might indicate I do nothing other than eat and watching the occasional movie (this week occassional, other weeks frequent) Alissa and I did take our 2nd walk of the spring yesterday. It is now light enough out that if I come straight home from school and Alissa is waiting and ready and we leave right away, we have time to get to the park and walk 6-7 laps before it is dark enough and nippy enough that we need to head home. So with a 1/3 mile track around the park plus 1/3 mile there and back that ends up being almost 3 miles before the sun goes down. We wouldn't be so concerned about getting home before sunset, however there are some characters at the park, and who knows what they do after dark. Yesterday there was a guy with a bicycle tire hung in a tree that was making his big, nasty, well-endowed-in-the-fangs-department doggie jump up and grab onto it and hang on till he tapped his nose with a twig. One time the dog held on for a lap and a half. We walked half a mile in the time that dog was just hanging there snarling. I just kept thinking, "if that thing could hold onto a tire with only a couple moments of break between jumps for an hour... what could it do to my leg?"
So, you see, I eat food AFTER I do interesting things like walk in the park and watch people train vicious attack doggies.
So, you see, I eat food AFTER I do interesting things like walk in the park and watch people train vicious attack doggies.
So yet another food post. I could write about other things like how busy work is or how upset everyone is about not having any subs and loosing planning time or how I keep barely dodging the bullet to have to go sub in classrooms--this week my strategy is tell them that I either get my grade deadline extended OR I do my own job... It has worked up to this point. I could talk about children who are out of control trouble makers that I have to continuously keep a firm handle on to get them to do anything, but what is the fun in that? Really, discipline your children. So, since I can't come up with anything other than a ton of things that I need to do like grades for 700 students by monday, preparing my choir for festival in less than two weeks, and putting together two different slideshows by next friday, I will say that I made some chicken and roasted red peppers (which i guessed at how to make and turned out amazing. It was tasty, and I discovered the best way I think I have ever had asparagus.
Here is what I did if you ever want tasty food...
Spread 9x9 pan with olive oil
sprinkle with "it's a dilly" seasoning (dill, onion, lemon peel, and garlic)
sprinkle with salt
Place halved red potatos cut side down in oil, so they get a little crispy-crunchy
Bake 1 hour at 375
Put chicken breasts on a cookie sheet
Splash generously with lemon juice
sprinkle with salt, pepper, and dill weed
crumble feta over the top
Bake 40 minutes at 375
then with about 5-10 minutes left on the potatos and chicken, I threw a bunch of asparagus, mushrooms, and bell peppers in the pans with the potatos and chicken and sprinkled them with more lemon and dill. Mmmmmmmmmmm.......
Here is what I did if you ever want tasty food...
Spread 9x9 pan with olive oil
sprinkle with "it's a dilly" seasoning (dill, onion, lemon peel, and garlic)
sprinkle with salt
Place halved red potatos cut side down in oil, so they get a little crispy-crunchy
Bake 1 hour at 375
Put chicken breasts on a cookie sheet
Splash generously with lemon juice
sprinkle with salt, pepper, and dill weed
crumble feta over the top
Bake 40 minutes at 375
then with about 5-10 minutes left on the potatos and chicken, I threw a bunch of asparagus, mushrooms, and bell peppers in the pans with the potatos and chicken and sprinkled them with more lemon and dill. Mmmmmmmmmmm.......
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
I like pasta
I realize I post alot about eating stuff. But I do eat every day. I sit here, trying to think of something interesting to say to convince people like my mother that I am still alive. And all that comes into mind is I just made some really nice pasta. I had some whole wheat/asparagus ravioli from safeway and some spinach marinara and then added a ton of mushrooms and peppers to the sauce and roasted some asparagus in lemon and spices and put the whole thing together and had some salad on the side with spinach and feta and cucumbers. I really enjoyed my dinner. and the nice thing is if I do it right, in making dinner, i can make lunch too and put it in containers and be ready for tomorrow. And make people jealous with my nummy lunches that way beat what people bring in a frozen cardboard box. Why would you want to eat something out of a frozen cardboard box?
Other than that, it is our 5th straight week of cleaning the house every Tuesday. Alissa and I are turning into regular little housewives--now all we need are husbands...
School is busy. Grades are due this week (which means that right now I am procrastinating)
I had to deal with a racial bullying incident today. One of my 6th grade math students came up to me and said "he just said I was white" My response was, "You know, Anthony, you are white." (maybe not the most understanding...) Anthony said "no--he said it in a racial way. I didn't like it. He told me "shut up you stupid white boy" So, being the good teacher I inquired a bit more and found out it was someone on the purple bus who was wearing a blue shirt. How old was he? "big enough that he could hurt me if he wanted to" says Anthony (an average size 6th grader) So I go onto the purple bus and I am looking around for someone in a blue shirt when I hear this kid say "get out of the way, fatso" so, hmmm, tip off, did you say blah, blah, blah to someone outside? yeah. the kicker is that he is a third grader. A third grader is bullying a sixth grader. What could he be capable of if left unchecked?
Other than that, it is our 5th straight week of cleaning the house every Tuesday. Alissa and I are turning into regular little housewives--now all we need are husbands...
School is busy. Grades are due this week (which means that right now I am procrastinating)
I had to deal with a racial bullying incident today. One of my 6th grade math students came up to me and said "he just said I was white" My response was, "You know, Anthony, you are white." (maybe not the most understanding...) Anthony said "no--he said it in a racial way. I didn't like it. He told me "shut up you stupid white boy" So, being the good teacher I inquired a bit more and found out it was someone on the purple bus who was wearing a blue shirt. How old was he? "big enough that he could hurt me if he wanted to" says Anthony (an average size 6th grader) So I go onto the purple bus and I am looking around for someone in a blue shirt when I hear this kid say "get out of the way, fatso" so, hmmm, tip off, did you say blah, blah, blah to someone outside? yeah. the kicker is that he is a third grader. A third grader is bullying a sixth grader. What could he be capable of if left unchecked?
Sunday, March 4, 2007
my hollow leg strikes again
Spent the day with Sarah. We went shopping. I bought random stuff (bath wash, a journal, looked endlessly for a butter dish) she bought assorted house stuff... (a mirror, coat hooks, etc.) we ran about alot. and then we went to olive garden. Shared a meal. (she is unemployed and going to school--I bought) It is a good deal because you get salad and breadsticks and stuff. We eat our bucket of salad minus the pepperchinis. We each have two breadsticks. we share a chicken/broccoli/garlic pasta dish. I eat my half. She eats half of her half. I could eat dessert if I wanted to, without feeling stuffed. She was complaining of discomfort from eating too much. I say "you get just the right amount of food when you share" she says, "isn't it nice that you got dinner for 3 of us for 12.95?" and brought her leftovers home and fed her boyfriend. Who was also content with half of a half of a meal. It is so nice to know that 2 people can eat and be full on what I consider an average-sized, not-stuffing-myself meal.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace was an amazing movie. The little old man behind me was sobbing. It was sweet. All of the people started clapping at the end of the movie. I don't understand clapping at a movie, not like the actors can hear you, but it was a good movie. It was the most real, honest Christian movie. Usually as soon as God is mentioned in a movie it becomes a big ball of sappy. But it was really good. How do I best serve God? In isolation or fighting for His people?
It is one of those ones that if I taught high school government or something like that, I would force my kids to see. We were discussing at school the other day that kids have no concept of the places of discrimination and outright cruelty in our history. There is a crop of kids who don't have an underlying understanding of what discrimination was and when you explain it to them they think it is the most stupid thing they have ever heard and half of them think it is something someone made up. Which is so promising. Not that there isn't still discrimination. But when you think about it. Most of the parents of our kids are my age or a little older. so most of the GRANDPARENTS of most of our students were KIDS when the civil rights movement was going on. So you have to go back to great grandparents to find people who lived when segregation was a forgone assumption.
It might be different in other places. Our school isn't the most "diverse" in that 70% or so of our kids are white. But it is not one of the schools either that the other 30% is all black. or hispanic. or asian or whatever. There is such a diverse mix. Quite a few native Hawaiian families, they all came out in droves for the reading night this week. Black. Hispanic. Russian. Asian. two of my 5th grade boys actually hula. One was born in Cuba and told us about his mom waiting in line for food and how that was when he was a baby during our cuban music unit. It is crazy what comes up in random discussions of where our music comes from.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
things I don't understand
One of the teachers at school found out for sure she was pregnant on Monday. Exciting news. She had some suspicions for about a month and finally went to the Dr. Monday, figuring she was probably about two months along. Doctor says no. I don't think so, more like 5. so she has an ultrasound Tuesday, yes, it's a boy, and the due date is May 2. How can you be 7 months pregnant and just find out? I have had my suspicions for quite a while, but really, not the thing to bring up if you aren't sure, I don't want to get into the whole, hey, you are looking really fat in the middle, are you pregnant? conversation if someone really isn't...
Also I started my before school math group last week. Oh, wow. we were doing fractions today. So, the totally could answer the problems. that picture is 1/2. that one is 1/3. on and on with stuff looking at numbers and following rules in the book. Then I brought out lucky charms for a little test. I said, ok you can eat a handful of lucky charms if you show your handful to me first and it is 1/2 marshmallows. Could not do it. Really, is there any way to learn fractions not involving food? so we figured out 1/2 marshmellow handfuls together. but no, that didn't mean they could make 1/3 marshmellow handfuls. Did I mention these are 6th graders? 6th graders!
Also I started my before school math group last week. Oh, wow. we were doing fractions today. So, the totally could answer the problems. that picture is 1/2. that one is 1/3. on and on with stuff looking at numbers and following rules in the book. Then I brought out lucky charms for a little test. I said, ok you can eat a handful of lucky charms if you show your handful to me first and it is 1/2 marshmallows. Could not do it. Really, is there any way to learn fractions not involving food? so we figured out 1/2 marshmellow handfuls together. but no, that didn't mean they could make 1/3 marshmellow handfuls. Did I mention these are 6th graders? 6th graders!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Tonight Alissa and I went to Chevy's and had some encheladas because we had a coupon that needed to be used by today or it expired and to reward ourselves for cleaning the house every week for a month (gotta love bribing yourself with food) now I am pondering whether the weather will bring any surprise day off for me tomorrow and watching "are you smarter than a 5th grader" So far I have at least known the answer to all of the 1st through 5th grade questions. Good--since I am one of the ones responsible for teaching them this stuff...
Monday, February 26, 2007

I actually watched the oscars last night. I don't know that I have ever sat through the whole show. Ellen was humorous. I thought it odd that Al Gore won an oscar (or his movie anyway) I think Jack Nicholson is creepy. Why would you put his movie as best picture. It should loose points just for involving Jack Nicholson. And Leonardo Decaprio. Really. A double dose of creepyness and still it wins. I guess I will just go back to my philosophy of who cares who wins the awards, I still like sappy chic flicks... Which my favorite moves are never going to even be nominated, so who really cares. So, if creepiness means you are a good actor, I guess I like bad acting.
Oh, and if anyone wants to learn from Alissa and my bad movie watching choices this weekend:
The Prestige: odd, doesn't make much sense, I think the point is that you don't know what is going on, if you want to watch it and understand it, you might want to watch it several times, and I don't know if it is worth that.
Bee Season: bad, wierd, watch Akeelah and the Bee, and pretend this spelling bee movie doesn't exist unless you think spelling is a gift from some wierd kaballah version of god and spelling well is a spiritual gift
Man about town: don't bother, it's stupid
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