Monday, March 26, 2007


If I was ever going to become anorexic, I found the perfect motivation this evening. As I was going to the grocery store, Jimmy (the creepy obnoxious neighbor, mid-fifties I would guess and living with his mother and racing his motorcycle around the neighborhood) saw me getting home from the grocery store. He said hi, I mumbled hi back (don't want to encourage the man) he said, it looks like you are loosing weight, I saw you riding your bike today, don't do to much of that, you are too skinny already, I like my women with some meat on their bones. Doesn't make you want to get the big mac. If ever there was a motivation to diet, not being Jimmy's ideal is it. Don't actually worry about the anorexic thing however, I enjoy food way to much and way to much of it for that to ever happen.

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