Friday, April 27, 2007

Better Day...

It is Friday. Yesterday the only exciting things (or remotely worth mentioning, not notable by any means) that happened were I got a Charlie Horse at 4:00 am that didn't let me go back to sleep or let up until sometime during the night. Yes, I at bananas, I drank much water, I massaged it, I stood on my step and stretched it, I tried walking, I tried elevating, maybe something helped because there is only the lingering "I used to be cramped and painful" feeling left in the muscle.

And I found khaki capris. finally. that is exciting to me. keep me a little cool during the next two months when I cant exactly wear a skirt and teach kindergarteners... but pants are just too warm...

And I stopped by Taco Time on the way home. I got the world's most under qualified to be working fast food employee ever. My order cost me $8.08. I handed him $6 in cash and then 6 quarters, 4 dimes, 3 nickels, and 3 pennies. It took him a full 3 minutes to count what I gave him. He was sure I had just handed him $7.18. I convinced him it was the right amount of money and asked for ketchup and one of the little plastic cups to put it in. He launches in to this spiel that 8 bags of ketchup is the perfect amount to fit in the little dish, and did I want him to open them for me and put them in? He gives me my ketchup (I declined his offer) and stares at me like "why are you still sitting here, leave, I am behind and backed up" I ask for my bag of food. He can't find it. He goes and gets a new bag of food after finding out what I ordered. and checking what it cost, so that I didn't try to rip him off or something. I was at the drive through window for over 15 minutes. Not in the drive through line. At the window. Luckily I was not in a hurry. Or I would have been annoyed, rather than amused.

And today is Friday, which means I have a very full, exhausting day, but when I get home I can crash, and everyone knows I crash Friday nights (exciting young adult that I am) so they don't bug me. and Katherine will be at work, and Alissa may or may not be home depending on what she gets taken care of today in the canceling bills and making arrangements and getting all that stuff taken care of that she needs to. So I could have the house to myself, which could be quite nice. Not that I will do anything at all.

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