So, thanks to Alissa's slave-driving, we got a start on Sarah and Mark's quilt last night. I was perfectly content and laying on the couch, ready to watch some wonderful television and not move or think, but Alissa didn't think that was a good idea. She says it was rainy so we have to sew. I guess that is the new rule. Rainy: we must sew. Sunny: we must bike. She ironed the fabric, I cut. I got all of the parts cut for the chain part, and all of the purple and teal cut for the stars, so all I have left is the background for the stars. After Alissa was done ironing, she got all of the long pieces in the chain put together with a square, so, 80 seams down, way more than that to go. but she has improved SOOOOOO much since Monica's quilt! All I have to say is sew these together like this (and show her what end to put it on) and it happens. reasonably straight and accurately. it is nice.
And this was all after cleaning, grocery shopping and making and eating dinner.
Who wanted to gag when Blake said he would go home for his best friend on American Idol last night? Yeah right, I don't believe it.
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