Mistress of Spices: Don't bother. a Blockbuster exclusive... not worth your time, unless you are under the impression that spices talk to you, then by all means, go ahead, you'll fit right in. If you watched this and "Bee Season" in the same sitting, you could actually think you were insane, not only is spelling a gift of the gods, but the spices chat with you...
Secret Life of Words: Confusing. A little depressing. Definitely fits in the "film" category, rather than the "flick" category that I am more drawn to. I think it would have been really sad and touching if you ever really understood what was going on and who they were talking about.
Catch and Release: Cute. Funny. Cheesy. Predictable. Just what I like in a movie...
Stomp the Yard: I think the camera crew all shot this movie while on pogo sticks. That is the only logical explanation for all the bouncing around.
I do my part to help the world avoid bad movies. I watch my fare share, so I figure, I can help you all avoid them. Sometimes we find a great one in all of the garbage... Like Danny Deckchair. A random movie pick that turned out to be absolutely hilarious. Best to be enjoyed in a big group in the middle of the night, but absolutely excellent. Any movie about a joker flying over Australia in a deck chair with balloons attached...
I am determined to finish some things that have been sitting around for years. Mainly because there is no way I can justify STARTING things I would like to, because if I am not going to finish them, I might as well not start them... right... So, to that end, I am going to attempt to keep myself a bit accountable about my mission by starting posting about my accomplishments... Hopefully they will soon be many.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
So just when I think we might have taken a baby step forward with Katherine, today while Alissa was sleeping, Katherine managed to down a 1/2 gallon of ice cream and wash Alissa's brand-new $35 stoneware cookie sheet from pampered chef with soap, the one thing you are never supposed to do with it, unless you want soap flavored cookies. Why? If you feel the need to clean--your bathroom could use help....
I also finished 4 sets of floppy dog ears and 19 pairs of monkey ears (with alissa's help... the leave the mess laying around trick works)
I also finished 4 sets of floppy dog ears and 19 pairs of monkey ears (with alissa's help... the leave the mess laying around trick works)
sleeping advice

Alarms are your friend. Even if they are evil. I should always set one even if I don't need to... Sunday night I didn't, went to bed at 11, woke up at 10. Last night I went to bed thinking I needed to get to sleep early (by 11) so I could wake up to my alarm. Instead I woke up at 3. It is going to hurt by this afternoon. So much for a bike ride, I see a nap in my future. With an alarm set, or we'll have a repeat... The sad thing is, as I sit here drinking my morning coffee, I am fairly certain that if I tried now, I could go to sleep, and probably not wake up until afternoon...
Monday, May 28, 2007
So... With the rest of my energy today (I know it is exciting, I cut out 8 more elephant head bands, designed and cut out 19 monkey ear headbands and tails, cut out 2 sets of bear ears with the rest of my brown fleece (need to get some more, and went to walmart for some velcro and fiberfil because joann's closed at 6. I also made dinner, washed dishes, and did a load of laundry. Now, I could start sewing my stacks of ears and tails, but it will have to wait for some more energy to come my way. And, as you can imagine, my living room is a pit and there are piles of fabric everywhere, hopefully this will be enticement for alissa to help sew... if she sews, it leaves quicker. unfortunately, Katherine is the one the mess bothers, and even if she decided to do something that wasn't completely self-absorbed, I wouldn't want her help... Oh, and the latest Katherine update is: she is still crazy, but we managed to get her to turn on the computer she got for christmas and she has given up binging on ice cream, because she had to replace Alissa's and it had gone off sale and was $6.99--eating ice cream by the half gallon gets pricey. And to help her with the book bet that she is loosing miserably at (she gets an ice cream cone from Alissa if she reads three books in a series straight through from start to finish) I gave her a book mark... Doubt it will help, but worth a try, she was grateful and almost in tears when I gave it to her. (seriously, did you ever think of using a piece of paper?) but if it helps...
so far
For a day off, it hasn't been... so far I have finished 4 lion manes, cut out 4 puppy ear headbands, designed an elephant ear headband, attempted a trunk, and taken an 18 mile ride on my bike, I wasn't going to, but then it started to be sunny. It is almost four and sunny which means I can't take a shower till alissa wakes up (her hardest time sleeping) so I will eat first and then when she gets up (should in about an hour, she has to work early tonight) shower and continue on my costuming. hopefully, I could at least get everything cut out today? possibly more, but I do know that I will need some kind of stuffing for my elephant trunks, and am almost out of white thread, and don't have enough velcro, so I will probably wind up with yet another trip to joann's in my future. maybe tonight, maybe later...
Sunday, May 27, 2007
big day
I rode 23 miles today. In one sitting. In the cold and wind that seemed to be pushing against me no matter which direction I turned. And especially on hills. Right around our house is nice and easy and flat-ish. Then it gets hilly. I rode from my house south almost to graham, and then rode back, almost to river road. then home. there were lots of hills. on one I had to break out the lowest gear on my bike, it seemed straight up... And on one my chain popped off... and I put it back on all by myself--see I'm quite competent and mechanical :) Now I think I could eat the entire contents of the fridge... but as I have self control, I won't... I will make myself lunch, however...
Friday, May 25, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
May is fun... kids are crazy, I have mass amounts of work to do to finish out the year, and for the first time ever I also have to think about starting up stuff for NEXT year as well... I spent several hours last night working on work for school... It has been crazy. I finally am starting to venture into my giant closet of who knows what... I keep finding interesting things...
Saturday, May 19, 2007
day of note
This is a very big day. I mean big. My mother left a note for me on the fridge. (no that isn't big) but that she misspelled the word morning--now that is huge. :)
There isn't a whole lot else going on other than I am busy (it's May--Talk to me July 1 if you want me relaxed) kids are becoming quite the little hellions as summer draws near and I am tired even though I actually slept in till 9:00 today.
There isn't a whole lot else going on other than I am busy (it's May--Talk to me July 1 if you want me relaxed) kids are becoming quite the little hellions as summer draws near and I am tired even though I actually slept in till 9:00 today.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
20 miles is not that much more than 15...
Alissa and I rode 20 miles last night. It probably would have only been around 16, but we hit the river 8 miles into the trail, and it was so pretty we didn't want to turn around. When we finally got back to the car (racing against the sunset) Alissa's legs were sore, my back/sholders were sore (reminder get another decent sport's bra), and both of our butts were in a bit of pain. We got dinner (biking makes one so very hungry...) came home, and crashed. Well, Alissa just laid on the couch, she is on a night schedule... I crashed.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Being the awesome teacher I am, I came up with the brilliant idea no my way home to make costumes for my kids for the kindergarten circus. I have till June 14. So I went to Joann's and bought some fleece. I made a prototype of a lion's mane--think those fringey scarves in gold and rust, with two little ears popping out, tied around a little head, under the chin... and a tail to match (I would take a picture, but it really quite looses the effect on my big adult head) then I made dog ears out of black/white polka dot furry fleece. they are two floppy ears and attatched to a head band that velcros around the head. Then I made a pony tail, and mane and ears on a headband. And finished up with bear ears on a headband. Now I just need to do the monkey ears and tail, and something for my little clowns and ring masters.... Why do I get myself into these things? but now that I have a prototype/pattern... should go quickly, and I can probably convince alissa to help...
Also today the check engine light came on on my car, so... irrrgh... I had to take it in for an oil change anyway, but annoying, at least I have a good warranty... so, I get to take it in Thursday afternoon. So I guess I will take a half day on Thursday...
Also today the check engine light came on on my car, so... irrrgh... I had to take it in for an oil change anyway, but annoying, at least I have a good warranty... so, I get to take it in Thursday afternoon. So I guess I will take a half day on Thursday...
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Thought of the day: 15 miles is a lot longer than ten. Or at least that is what my legs think.
Depressing realization of the day: I may only get to ride the first two days of the Courage... My school one this huge arts grant and I don't know that I can get out of the training.
Movie reviews of the week:
The Queen: interesting, but requires attention and thought that I rarely give to movies.
Because I Said So: Mother's Day inspiration--Thank you, Mom, for not being THAT interfering...
Dreamgirls: a little depressing
10 Items or Less: don't know, turned it off after 10 minutes, two guys driving in a van being depressing and swearing at each other.
(we had a little marathon at our house last night, ok, everything but Dreamgirls which we watched last weekend.)
Now we have Catch and Release and Music and Lyrics waiting for us. I quite enjoy my Blockbuster membership...
Depressing realization of the day: I may only get to ride the first two days of the Courage... My school one this huge arts grant and I don't know that I can get out of the training.
Movie reviews of the week:
The Queen: interesting, but requires attention and thought that I rarely give to movies.
Because I Said So: Mother's Day inspiration--Thank you, Mom, for not being THAT interfering...
Dreamgirls: a little depressing
10 Items or Less: don't know, turned it off after 10 minutes, two guys driving in a van being depressing and swearing at each other.
(we had a little marathon at our house last night, ok, everything but Dreamgirls which we watched last weekend.)
Now we have Catch and Release and Music and Lyrics waiting for us. I quite enjoy my Blockbuster membership...
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I had my choir concert today. Numbers have dwindled (thanks, sunshine...) We had 13 at the concert this afternoon. 6 showed up in the evening. 6. A little sad when next to the 75 piece 6th grade band... I am tired! But my boss gave me a bottle of wine...
Monday, May 7, 2007
baby steps...

It seems that if you do something persistantly you do make progress... without even trying you start to notice it.
I rode 10 miles today. 10 miles in 49 minutes. 10 miles in 49 minutes with 5 or 6 fairly major stop lights to sit and wait for.
Also notable is that I am now able to venture into the realm of the higher gears. More work, more speed, less pedaling, fun times. I was comfortably riding 12-16 mph most of the ride.
Annoying is that my thighs seem to be growing by leaps and bounds and I seem to be gaining weight. Not necessarily size anywhere other than the thighs, but weight... Oh well, muscle is heaver. Last summer I grew biceps from picking up the toddlers, this summer it will be thighs...
Alissa and I are gaining an entourage for the Courage. Rebecca says she will ride it, Brita is trying to convince my parents it is a good idea and work out a way to get over here. I think Michelle may still be pondering it, and Adam I think would do it if Gabbie was interested and he wasn't getting married sometime soon.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
tired after quite the weekend
Today, I went to church. I put out a few fires and mediated between a couple of people, went to church, saw Sarah's ring for the first time since they were engaged, ran around like crazy trying to set up for a wedding, but hey, I got a hundred bucks out of it. Then Gabbie and Adam came over for dinner. I ate before their dinner was ready because I hadn't had lunch. And then I munched while they were eating. They took their dog home, so Alissa and my temporary stint as pet owners (3 days) is over. No more puppy. I will miss him a little, but yet, have no desire to have one of my own. Now I have got to think about next week and school again. Oh, and yes, I think I am going to do the crazy and ride the Courage. I am up to 12 miles in a ride now, on flat. I only have to turn the 12 into 60 in a day and I will be ready.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
cinco de mayo
I am such a party animal... :)
Last night (I guess you can call it Cinco de Mayo eve?) I took a nap, had mac & cheese for dinner, finished cutting the squares for all of sarah's quilt, ironed what Alissa has sewn so far (have I mentioned how much better we are doing in the sewing straight arena) and then went to a late showing of Lucky You. Interesting movie, wait till it comes out on dvd... lots of poker... but we wanted to see a movie and it was that or waiting in line for spider man, and really, is spider man that big of a deal?
Today, I had the privelage of spending the morning with Jack, the whiny chihuahua, while Alissa slept in, then we biked 12 miles, figured out how to take tires on and off the bikes to fit them in her mom's rodeo and now are going for an early cinco de mayo treat at chevy's
Last night (I guess you can call it Cinco de Mayo eve?) I took a nap, had mac & cheese for dinner, finished cutting the squares for all of sarah's quilt, ironed what Alissa has sewn so far (have I mentioned how much better we are doing in the sewing straight arena) and then went to a late showing of Lucky You. Interesting movie, wait till it comes out on dvd... lots of poker... but we wanted to see a movie and it was that or waiting in line for spider man, and really, is spider man that big of a deal?
Today, I had the privelage of spending the morning with Jack, the whiny chihuahua, while Alissa slept in, then we biked 12 miles, figured out how to take tires on and off the bikes to fit them in her mom's rodeo and now are going for an early cinco de mayo treat at chevy's
Thursday, May 3, 2007
disipline sucks when the "teacher eyes" don't work
So I have this student. He hasn't done anything in my class all year. Today he starts trying. He actually did something! What prompted his miraculous turn around in effort, participation, and attitude? Medication? Possibly. The conversation I had with him last week about being stuck with me for another year until he gets to jr high, and we both were going to have no fun if his behavior continued? I doubt I am that motivating, so I don't know. Currently my most likely idea is that his body was swapped by aliens...
Unfortunately, that success was marred by the fact I had to tell a group of three fourth graders that if they didn't shape up, I would make them sit in a room with their heads down during my class, and to learn music because I wasn't letting them off the hook, they could spend their recess attending 2nd grade music classes. I have a feeling I am going to have to follow through on my threat before they believe I am serious.
The third grade highlight of the day came when I realized a truely "charming" boy (in this usage "charming" means "likes beating on anything that moves, especially other students, but worms and other small animals he happens upon work too") has not acted up in my class since before spring break (I write down their behavior each day) I watched today. He was out of control in the hall on the way to my room, he entered the door, he was the textbook perfect student for thirty minutes (hands folded in lap, eyes on me, feet criss cross, voice off, I couldn't even fault his stinking posture), then we lined up to leave for the day and he started hitting people so he got the "honor" of walking with me to his bus. This puzzles me.
I also won the respect of one of my most shut-down pre-teen-y attitude-filled 6th graders today. How you ask? I lifted his backpack over my head. He didn't think I could lift it off the ground. I am amazing. Do what it takes, right?
Unfortunately, that success was marred by the fact I had to tell a group of three fourth graders that if they didn't shape up, I would make them sit in a room with their heads down during my class, and to learn music because I wasn't letting them off the hook, they could spend their recess attending 2nd grade music classes. I have a feeling I am going to have to follow through on my threat before they believe I am serious.
The third grade highlight of the day came when I realized a truely "charming" boy (in this usage "charming" means "likes beating on anything that moves, especially other students, but worms and other small animals he happens upon work too") has not acted up in my class since before spring break (I write down their behavior each day) I watched today. He was out of control in the hall on the way to my room, he entered the door, he was the textbook perfect student for thirty minutes (hands folded in lap, eyes on me, feet criss cross, voice off, I couldn't even fault his stinking posture), then we lined up to leave for the day and he started hitting people so he got the "honor" of walking with me to his bus. This puzzles me.
I also won the respect of one of my most shut-down pre-teen-y attitude-filled 6th graders today. How you ask? I lifted his backpack over my head. He didn't think I could lift it off the ground. I am amazing. Do what it takes, right?
a start (thanks to the nazi)

So, thanks to Alissa's slave-driving, we got a start on Sarah and Mark's quilt last night. I was perfectly content and laying on the couch, ready to watch some wonderful television and not move or think, but Alissa didn't think that was a good idea. She says it was rainy so we have to sew. I guess that is the new rule. Rainy: we must sew. Sunny: we must bike. She ironed the fabric, I cut. I got all of the parts cut for the chain part, and all of the purple and teal cut for the stars, so all I have left is the background for the stars. After Alissa was done ironing, she got all of the long pieces in the chain put together with a square, so, 80 seams down, way more than that to go. but she has improved SOOOOOO much since Monica's quilt! All I have to say is sew these together like this (and show her what end to put it on) and it happens. reasonably straight and accurately. it is nice.
And this was all after cleaning, grocery shopping and making and eating dinner.
Who wanted to gag when Blake said he would go home for his best friend on American Idol last night? Yeah right, I don't believe it.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
After my nap this evening, I was quite productive... I hemmed 6 pairs of pants, 4 for Gabbie (It was hard for me to stomach cutting between 4 and 6 inches off of pants-wishing I could add them to my own. 3 1/2 inches off of a girls size 16 for an adult), and 2 for her primary at work (they have kids that they do special things for and I think are responsible for purchasing clothes for and stuff, but she is chunky and so needed a size 14-16 (same size as Gabbie) but with 8-10 inches hacked off. Alissa did all of the sewing, i just ironed and cut and replaced needles (beaded applique on one of the little girl pants)
Then I fixed Ashley's duvet cover. her mother-in-law made it from sheets but didn't finish the hole where the stuffing went in, so it was fraying. I used the "forger" to fix it and then alissa sewed it down to make a finished hem (novel concept) I think Ashley may be buying us dinner in exchange for that 10 minutes of work.

We also went to Joann's where we got in some trouble. Only 1, no 2, new scrub tops for Alissa, and they were on sale (not that that justifies it). but our purpose was to get fabric for Sarah and Mark's quilt for their wedding (gotta get on it, it's gotta be done sept 1.) Haven't decided arrangement, but the background is a rich tan basketweave-y thing, the chains is a deep brown floral, and the stars are purples and well, sea-foam. It will be lovely, the colors are deep and rich and Sarah and Mark better love it.

Also have some sort of project coming up for Gabbie. This might be one option, it's called the 5 spot. The 5-spot is also one of Gabbie's favorite places to eat. She wants fabric that "means something" so we might attempt that. we would put "meaningful" fabric in each of the 5 spots and tie it together with some sort of simple, solid-y colors in the rest.
Then I fixed Ashley's duvet cover. her mother-in-law made it from sheets but didn't finish the hole where the stuffing went in, so it was fraying. I used the "forger" to fix it and then alissa sewed it down to make a finished hem (novel concept) I think Ashley may be buying us dinner in exchange for that 10 minutes of work.

We also went to Joann's where we got in some trouble. Only 1, no 2, new scrub tops for Alissa, and they were on sale (not that that justifies it). but our purpose was to get fabric for Sarah and Mark's quilt for their wedding (gotta get on it, it's gotta be done sept 1.) Haven't decided arrangement, but the background is a rich tan basketweave-y thing, the chains is a deep brown floral, and the stars are purples and well, sea-foam. It will be lovely, the colors are deep and rich and Sarah and Mark better love it.

Also have some sort of project coming up for Gabbie. This might be one option, it's called the 5 spot. The 5-spot is also one of Gabbie's favorite places to eat. She wants fabric that "means something" so we might attempt that. we would put "meaningful" fabric in each of the 5 spots and tie it together with some sort of simple, solid-y colors in the rest.
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