School is officially out for the summer at 11:15 Monday morning. Yes. 2 1/2 "official" hours of work left this year. Of course I haven't started getting ready for summer and getting my room cleaned up, but that is just minor details.
I thought I would start off the summer with a list of the things I hope to get accomplished quilt-wise before the end of the summer... Then I can feel good about myself when I finish them, because they were on a list. OR tell myself that lists are stupid when I don't get them finished...
1) Quilt for Cammy's wedding. I gave her a stack of fabric for her shower today. Really, that's how far I got on it... A completely un-started project. But since most people either a) don't quilt and are just impressed that you have that skill, b) are amazed that you can pick out a stack of fabric that matches and is attractive, or c) know how to quilt but decided to go with the shower curtain and bath towels instead as they also have a busy life... Everyone was impressed. But now I have to finish it. Or start it. Ok, both.
2) Quilt for Jamie's baby. Pink efalumps. (That's elephants...) Found
this pattern today. Shall be cute, and part of the proceeds went to an elephant sanctuary, so that was my good deed for the day.
3) Celtic knot quilt for Jinney. Only requires handsewing binding...
4) Broken dishes quiltlet for Jinney. Also only waiting on binding.
5) Log cabin... again... binding
6) Alphabet... more binding...
7) Golden birthday quilt. Have to finish the quilting, maybe a quarter of the way along.
8) "Window" block exchange. Blocks set together, need to add borders and then quilt.
9) Brown, blue, green charm block block exchange. Set blocks together, border, quilt.
10) Log cabin wedding ring. I broke down and started it the other night. I have one block done. It is going to be awesome. Neutral background with rings of medium and darker green.